Sunday 11 February 2024

Just Living Life

WHERE ARE WE? Numero UNO RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

Spent a couple hours with the water hose giving some of the plants and trees a nice drink.  Although there are clouds in the sky, we have not had any rain.  I have been trying to get the grass to grow around our Motorhome by giving it a little drink each day if possible.  I think it is getting greener!!

The pool is a real nice temperature these days so we try to take an afternoon dip.  I, like my friend Kevin Read, (Travel with Kevin and Ruth) am a warm water swimmer only.  He posted a picture on FB to prove that he was in the pool.  They are in Cambodia right now and if you like a real travel blog to read each day, this is the one for you.  

My problem is that when I get in the pool I get very self conscious.  Oh well, I guess I will get over it!!  LOL

After supper I headed down the beach to town.  I am the kind of person that needs to know what is going on and with the carnival in town, there is always lots.  Tonight I got to hang around with Katherine for a while.  We toured the vendors and we had to buy this squeeze ball thing for her. She loved it.

Anayeli was there again selling these drinks that she makes into a candy cup thingy.  She spreads a hot warm sticky substance around the top of the can, then opens the can and puts a straw in it.  Then she uses an upside down ice cream lid and fills it with candy.  They look quite interesting.

There were clowns wandering around and even a mechanical bull.  Lots of things to do and eat and drink.

And of course there was the main stage.  Tonight there was a young guy, about 10 who couldn't sing up on the stage.  Sometimes in Mexico it is not about the talent, but more about how loud you can make your voice.  I would recommend that this guy stay in school! He may need to explore other options.

Other than chatting with Kenia, who was quite busy, that was it for my evening.  Actually after I went to bed, Sue got me to get up to see the fire next door.  Our fishermen friends had for some reason, lit one of their little huts on fire.  The flames were quite high and embers were floating in the air but not posing any threat to our yard, so I took a picture and went to bed.  Will find out what went on tomorrow.  Good Nite!!


  1. Hey, thanks for the mention. Yes, the water is wonderful!

  2. Next year I want to come for this!!!


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