Wednesday 15 May 2024

More Projects Today

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Well today I had to get busy and mount all the coffee cup holders that I bought in Brandon.  The wood truck and the lawn tractor need a place to hold my coffee.  Anyone that knows me, knows that I have a coffee cup in my hand most times except when I set it down some place and lose it.  So now I will have a place to store my cup.

So with that done I headed into town with the lawn tractor to cut the grass at the manor and another empty lot Manitoba Housing owns.  I don't have a trailer right now so I just drive it the mile and a half into town.  It takes about 3 hours to get the jobs all done and back home again.

Archie spent most of the day chasing squirrels.  He has yet to catch one.  He will just stand like a statue and wait for them to make a move.  Then he is after them.

All good things have to come to and end and today was no different.  We watched some TV and watched the sun go down.  Good Nite!!!

Tuesday 14 May 2024


WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

A trip to Brandon today.  Our granddaughter Dani had a hair appointment there and I had an appointment with the skin doctor.   I didn't even get a picture of her before and after.  She did look amazing when she was done.  Me...I just spent about 2 minutes with the doc and he blasted a couple of spots with nitro but said that I had nothing to worry about.  I will keep going back to see him every year just in case.  Whew.  Dodged another bullet!!

Sue and I did some shopping while we were waiting for Dani.  One of the places we went was Canadian tire and as usual Sue had to drive the cart.  I was a little ahead of her and when I looked around, I noticed that she was heading straight for a post while looking down one of the isles.  I was in disbelief about what was going to happen and just stood and watched it happen.  BANG!!!!   She hit it dead on and came to an abrupt stop!!  I looked around and there were about 3 people that saw it and they were trying not to laugh but it was too late for me.  That allowed the others to laugh as well and we all got a good giggle at Sues expense.  By the way she was not hurt in the incident.  

A re-enactment photo

I had to pick up another tire for my wheeler today.  They must just make the tubes that come with the wheelers really cheap cause that was both of them flat this spring.

It was off to home and supper and some more Survivor and then a little treat before bed.  The ice cream is just a little too handy here.  Oh well..  Good Nite!!

Monday 13 May 2024

The Day Starts With a Scare

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Every once in a while, I have a little episode that reminds me that I am a heart attack survivor.  For the most part, I am aware of my limits and stay within them, however there are times when I have a very scary feeling.  Such was the case this morning when I had some chest pain and a burning pain in my left arm which moved into my right arm.  If you've ever had a heart attack, you recognize that feeling as not being good.  And of course then the anxiety sets in and boom, your blood pressure shoots through the roof.  Now because a lot of my heart died with the original heart attack, I am on meds to abnormally lower my blood pressure.  Normally it is 90/50 but when I got to the MH and took my pressure, it was 132/106.  That certainly makes my head spin.   As I was sitting there I realized that I had not taken my pills this morning and it was 2 pm already.  When I checked my pill container, I realized I had not taken my pills last night either.  So I guess I brought it on myself.  I will be more diligent in taking my meds now for a while.

So I just relaxed for a couple hours and I got right back to normal.  I had to go to the manor to check things out.  Our daughter Sheri and I have a contract with Manitoba Housing to do caretaking services at a 12 apartment complex as well as minor maintenance at 14 low rental houses in town.  The contract doesn't require a lot of attention but it does require a few hours a week.  Sheri looks after things for the winter and I kinda kick in for the summer.  We do have my sister in laws grandson doing the janitorial duties in the lounge, but we are required to do the record keeping and overseeing that everything gets done.  So I drop by just to look about every 2 days. 

And then it was time for supper.  Sue fired up the grill and we had some burgers.  Because we are not open during the week this week, we needed to eat up the hamburger that remained in the fridge.  The poor old kitchen is a pretty lonely place during this week.

So to help us deal with the leftover hamburger, we invited Donovan to help us with the dilemma.  That was about it for today.  Good Nite!!

Sunday 12 May 2024

Thats a Wrap for This Weekend

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

We started out the day with a little ice cream!!!  We make them wait until 10 am before they can have any.  Guess what flavour Max likes!!

We had a guy come by with this weird looking boat.  He wanted to know where the boat launch was.  Hmmm hope he wears a life jacket.

Part of what Sue does is to dream up new products.  This is the latest.  The Facebook page speaks for itself.  I think it would be a good breakfast item with a couple strips of bacon on the bottom and some scrambled egg with a drizzle of maple syrup.  Mmmmmmm!!!

Lots of other yummy stuff went out the window as well today.  

And Sue even kicked in to help out the girls this afternoon.  They are getting back into the groove.  

We even got some time to sit by the fire with our friend Linda.  It was good to visit with her.  We last saw them in Puerta Vallarta in February I think.

We are open till 8 pm on Sundays so the girls got things all cleaned up and they vacated.  The kitchen is quiet for the night.

And I got to see the sunset from the office window tonight.  Good Nite!!

Getting back into the Routine

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

It was a gorgeous day here in Manitoba.  I just spent most of the day getting wood to people.  That is my pet project at Cj's.  I run around and sell wood and just kinda visit with everyone.  There were not many people in the park but we were steady busy.  I sell wood in small bundles, totes and big wood boxes.

Then I spent some time cleaning up outside the golf course and hauling it away in my little wagon!!!

That was mainly what I did today.  Archie and I headed home to chill about 7 pm.  Great day!! Good Nite!!!

Friday 10 May 2024

Ready or Not, We are Open

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Well today is the day.  Remember the Muppets theme?  Well now you will be humming it all day!

It's time to play the music
It's time to light the lights
It's time to meet the people, on the Cj's Show Tonight!

It's time to put on makeup (not me!)
It's time to dress up right (socks and crocks)
It's time to get things started
Why don't we get things started
On the sensational, inspirational, celebrational, Cj'ssational
That's what we call the Cj's Show!!

You can guess who is who

I had to make a trip to Brandon today to pick up some stuff.  A coffee grinder, a tire tube, a UPS parcel, (which will be featured on a future post) and to drop off Grace at her Gramma Melaines.  

Princess Auto for the tube

We had a tough time finding the UPS drop store because there have been numerous ones in the past.  So I just kept checking places and they kept telling me another place to check.

Are you UPS?  Nope

You UPS?  Nope

Maybe here.  Yup 

This package cost $235 to buy, but when I picked it up, there was another $63 charge for duty because it was shipped from the USA.  Crazy huh? 

Grace and I had to stop for a coffee break half way through our running around.  We splurged and had a donut as well. 

Last stop was to pick up a coffee grinder at Forbidden Flavours.  They supply us with all our coffee over the summer and it is the best we have come across.  I can honestly say that it is better than Timmies!!  

Then it was off to home again to get a few chores finished up before supper.  First chore is a regular one for the summer.  We sell firewood to all the campers and some in town.  We sell it by the tote full.  So we have to load totes with wood and put them in the truck.  Cody and I filled the truck ready for the weekend.  We never know how busy the first weekend will be.

Next on the list was to change the tire tube in the wheeler.  We use the wheeler to put the totes on to deliver them into the campsites.  Some of the young guys just grab them and carry them, but this old guy is not made to do that anymore and I don't always have a young guy to do it.

We are slowly getting things put in their places but we have limited storage space so it is kinda like doing a puzzle.  Patsy should be here to help!!  There is no picture on these boxes to help you!!!

And then 4 o'clock rolled around and we turned on the open sign!!  We don't expect to be too busy because this is the first weekend the park is open.

We do have lots of good staff to help us.  Here is another group of smiling girls!  We appreciate every one of them for who they are and their variety of abilities.  Almost all of our staff are school kids and we hope we start their work lives out on the right foot.  So far we have been successful.  Because we are an entry level employer, we get to train them up from about grade 9 until they graduate.  Then they leave us and move on with life, so we are constantly bringing up new ones to take their place.  That keeps us on our toes and involved. 

Part of opening in the spring is making sure everyone is up to speed on making all the specialties.  Everyone likes to make some and of course they have to be eaten.

Tonight was supposed to be spectacular for northern lights so we headed up the hill to check them out.  Nothing spectacular that I could see but it is always nice to see northern lights.  Good Nite!