Wednesday 8 May 2024

Moving Nikki's Trailer

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Today I had promised our daughter Nikki that I would come and move her trailer to her summer camping spot in Aspen Grove Campground.  We are happy that she is doing this as much for her as for the kids.  There is nothing like hanging around a campground to give a person some good memories.  I was up shortly after 7 and headed to Reston which is about 1 1/2 hours away.  I got there and hooked up to her truck and we were off.  The campground is about a half hour away from her so we arrived in good time and got all set up.  I got the water, power, and propane all turned on for her.  Nikki bought me lunch at Chicken Chef.  Thanks!!

Got home late in the afternoon and just sat around chatting for a while.  Grace was wondering what she would ride for a bike down here this summer and I said she was big enough to ride "the potty bike"!  This is the bike we used to use to go to the bathroom on.  Now we have the lectric bike so she got on the big bike and off she went.  She was very proud of herself.  

We still have 2 days to get everything in order before we open on Friday afternoon.  Sometimes it seems like we won't make it, but we always do.

The grass is getting very green and the golf course will need mowing. 

Our door on the MH has a window in it that you can't see through.  It is annoying because it right in front of my chair and I like to see out.  We also need to see when someone comes to the door.  We need to change that.

So the new window is clear from the inside and black tint on the outside so you can't see in.  It also has a shade built in so we can have night time privacy.  

We had enough for today so we headed in and finished the evening watching more Survivor.  We know that in a couple days we probably won't have as much time for TV watching.  We have a lot to do tomorrow so Good Nite!!

Remember Ethan?  Survivor Africa?

and Kim?



  1. I do remember Ethan - I was watching back then. Missed last night's but will catch it tonight.
    You'll make it but when the pressure is on, it gets to us all!

  2. Good job on the motor home window. and Good Luck on opening day !

  3. I really like your door window. I remember Ethan!

  4. Interesting door window. I like it. We've watched Survivor since the beginning. Still a great show.


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