Wednesday 25 September 2024

Plans Head East! Not South!

WHERE ARE WE? Spring Grove Illinois

When we go up this morning, AJ had coffee on in the shop so I headed over to have one.  The plan is to look at our MH as soon as Sue gets up.  I am getting them to look at the problem I have been having for over a year now with the transmission not shifting properly and the engine surging under power.  If I disconnect the mass air sensor, all the symptoms go away but cruise control won't work and they tell me it gets worse gas mileage.  So about 10 Steve climbed in the passenger seat with the code reader and we went for a ride.  Guess what?  No symptoms.  The MH seems to be running great?  He did reset a couple things so maybe he fixed it.  We drove it about 10 miles and it ran great.  Woo Hoo!!!

So there was nothing else we could do so Steve changed the pace.  I had told him that my brakes had been squealing a lot on this trip so he crawled underneath and checked everything.  No problems to be found there. 

Well I guess we were about ready to hit the road.  We decided to have lunch with AJ and Steve so I cleaned the solar panels while we waited for lunch time.  To get full power from the panels its good to keep them clean. 

After lunch AJ took us to see his classic car collection.  Wow we were sure surprised.  I loved the 1950 Ford truck. It used to be his grandfathers and is an amazing rebuild.  He has a few other nice ones as well.

So after the tour and some goodbye's, we hit the road and were not more than 2 miles away and the MH starts shifting crazy and surging, so I turned around and headed back to Pinks.  AJ came out and grabbed the code reader, but nothing showed up.  He said he knew that sometimes the throttle body gets dirty and gummed up so he got the carb cleaner out and a tooth brush and cleaned it all up.  There was nothing else we could do.  AJ and Steve have thought of everything they could and have not come up with any magic fix.  Perhaps this is the one.  We sure appreciate everything they did for us and we will find a way to repay them sometime. 
I should let you know that we have a little change of plans.  We are putting our Mississippi tour on hold for now because we have been talking to our friend Kyra (The Boondocking Queen) and she is staying at her nieces place about 300 kms east of us.  We have not seen Kyra for a long time so there is no way we can miss this opportunity.  So we set our GPS for Spring Grove Illinois and this was our trip.

And the MH performed beautifully.  Well almost!!  After about an hour, we stopped at a red light and turned a right hand corner and poof.  Right back to surging and shifting terrible.  And it stayed that way for the remaining 2 hours of the trip.  It is still ok to drive but you have to nurse it to shift by playing with the accelerator.  I hoped it would go back to being ok, but it never did.  Shoot!!!  Oh well I can disconnect the MAS and we will carry on.  We had a nice drive this afternoon otherwise.

Oh look who is coming down the driveway to meet us.  Yup, its Kyra.  I'm so glad we decided to make this detour.

She said just park it over by the Stop Sign and come in for supper!!!  Supper, you don't say!!!  I'm all over supper!!!  And it was delicious!!!  It was neat to just sit and catch up since we last talked.  We will do more talking in the morning.

We got all parked up and this is where we will be for the night.  Good Nite!!


  1. We've begun to think that taking advantage of our journey to see friends is wise too. Putting it off for another day isn't feasible at our age!

    Sorry about the mh troubles, you'll get it figured out.

  2. There could be a Fault in the Controller Module that just happens. They are Expensive.
    Hope you've been watching the Weather. Hurricane Helene is going to block your way for a few days. You might get more visiting in than you thought.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.


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