Saturday 21 September 2024

We Found the Mississippi Today

WHERE ARE WE? Bemidji, Minnesota

After a few hugs, we left Karalee's place and headed for the border.  There is a crossing a few miles from their house called South Junction so we headed there.  From the time we pulled up to the border station until we were on our way was under 3 minutes.  A quick question where we were going, when we plan to be back, any tobacco, weapons or alcohol and away we went.  Archie stuck his head out the window, but no mention of papers or stuff for him.  I think the more we go over the border without problems, the more likely we are to not have to be grilled.  Works for me!!  And one of the things we do is to clean out the fridge of most everything just in case.  Its good to get rid of that stuff waaaaay in the back anyway.  So because of that we had to stop in Roseau MN to stock up.  Never been to one of these stores before.

Then we headed south again with the intention of camping in Itasca State Park.  We travelled along some of the roads less travelled and managed to see a variety of scenery. 

We did a little stop in a town called Hill River.  The town is on a hill and there is a river at the bottom.  Who comes up with these names?? lol

After a couple hours driving we arrived and guess what?  Full!!! Of course it is Saturday!!! Silly us.  Oh well we came here because this is the headwaters of the mighty Mississippi!!!  Well its not very mighty here.  About 6 feet from bank to bank and knee deep just down from the headwater monument.  It will be fun to watch it grow in size as we travel south following it.

So we headed up the first part of the Great River Road toward Bemidji Minnesota. These are the signs that will guide us on our way.

We crossed the Mississippi 4 more times on the way.  Some places you couldn't even see the water for the grasses.

We did the old Walmart overnight tonight.  It is just like old times.  Tomorrow we will try to find old Paul Bunyan and his Blue Ox!!!

And I even got to see a little bit of a sunset tonight.  It is not that warm here but really its not that bad I guess.  It was about 13c at supper time with a brisk wind.  A good night for sleeping!!  Good Nite!


  1. Did you get Archie chipped before you crossed, also did you fill out the new declaration paper for him. We are getting Gibbs chipped this week. Travel safe.

  2. Nice to read that your adventure has begun. Having an empty Fridge saves a lot of problems.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Patsy - Archie is chipped, filled out CDC papers for him online and got permit within 10 minutes - free

  4. Funny to see th Mississippi River like that!


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