Friday 23 March 2018

Another Day in Paradise

Because we are in such a great spot, we have no urge to go anywhere.  I know it makes for a boring story, but we always look at each other and say, "what do you want to do today?"  And the answer seems to be to sit on the shore and enjoy the sun and nature.  I can't apologize for that, because it is just not wrong.   For example, this morning as I was preparing my coffee, this is what floated by.
Six Canadian Geese!!!They were quite content to just hang around the shore and look for handouts.

Chuck found some shredded wheat and it wasn't long and the geese were eating out of his hand.

Now that is one of the reasons we like to just hang around here.  There are a lot of things to see right here.  We were wondering if they are on their way north, but we didn't see which way they flew when they left.  We did however spot a pink flamingo just hanging around the campground.

We had a couple little showers roll through later in the day and we ended up with a pretty rainbow out over the lake.

So here is what I saw in my window for a while today:

Our Location Today: Telephone Cove NV, near Laughlin NV. 35.23148 -114.59403

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