Sunday, 5 January 2025

Domingo is Birria Day

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

After adding a bunch of chemical to the pool yesterday to shock it, I put clarifier in last evening and let it mix good, then shut everything off for the night.  That allows all the algae to clump up and settle to the bottom.  Then this morning I had to vacuum the green haze off of the bottom.  It has to be sent out the waste pipe so I had to be quick so I didn't lose a lot of water from the pool.  The pool should be good for a couple weeks now. 

When I got done that little chore it was time to go for breakfast.  Jeff, Fanny, Theo and Max came with me to Abuela's for birria this morning.  We had bowls full and Theo opted for a birria dorada.  That means it is in a golden brown semi crisp taco.  It adds a whole new flavour to the birria.  And Max had a cheese quesadilla.

Got home and sat around for a bit and got to watch a great whale show out in front of our beach.  It seems like there are lots more whales now in the bay.

About sunset we all sat down to a rousing game of Play Nine.  It is a card game similar to Golf.  I did not win by the way. 

I had to take a walk downtown this evening to check out all the entertainment.  It is Kings Day today so there is lots of vendors set up in the plaza, and music.  Quite a busy place.  They had mass as well.

Kenia had got a Rosca Reyes which is a form of cake which is baked for Dia de Reyes (Three Kings Day).  Kings Day is tomorrow but she had the cake early because her family was here. This is when gifts are often exchanged in Mexico. The idea is to share the cake with your family and friends and whoever gets a plastic baby Jesus in their piece of cake has to bring tamales to a celebration held on Dia de la Candelaria on February 2. This is the day that Jesus was presented at the temple as a baby by Joseph and Mary.  At that time you celebrate with the same friends and family that you shared the cake with.  We did not get a baby so are off the hook for bringing the tamales but will attend the celebration of February 2.

While Kenia was cutting a  piece for me and chatting, she forgot she was making a waffle for a customer.  This was the result of forgetting.  Hard as a rock!!!

Once again we had sunset with friends.  It just never gets old.  Good Nite!!

Today's weather

Sunny. 27 / 18 °C
Humidity: 80%. Wind: 5 mph  from Southwest


  1. It's a tough life but someone has to do it,lol.All the best for 2025.

  2. Make sure you’re rinsing your pool filters after the clarifier real good! Lol just your friendly helper here.


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