Saturday, 15 February 2025

Springtime is Starting Here in Mexico

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Morning Happy hours are kinda a thing around here.  Everyone comes with their coffee to chat and watch for whales.  The reason you don't see many pictures of the whales is because they are far enough out in the bay that the camera just shows a black speck if anything at all.  When the whales really breach up in the air, my camera is never ready anyway.  

Had a bit of computer work to do today so I sat in my comfy chair and did it.  I may have nodded off a couple of times.  

Because it has been winter around here, lots of the vegetation goes kinda dormant for a couple months.  Finally Spring has sprung and the grass is riz, I wonder where the flowers is?  Oh I found one!!  That is what happened to this flowering bush plus the fact that we cut it way back right when it was going dormant so it is slow recovering.  I noticed a couple of nice flowers on it today so it is on the way back I guess.  

Once again we experienced a Mexican sunset and with it some nice pink clouds in the background.  It was just another "Saturday in the Park".

"Saturday in the Park, I think it was the Fourth of July"

Good Nite!

Today's weather

Scattered clouds. 28 / 17 °C
Humidity: 73%. Wind: 7 mph  from Southwest

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