Sunday 1 March 2020

Dive Fishing

WHERE ARE WE? La Penita RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? We are here for a while

For some reason today the pelicans were on a feeding frenzy right out in front of our park.   There were 30 or 40 of them flying and then diving.  Almost every time they would swallow something but we never saw anything.  We are betting it was very small minnows or bait fish.  I took a few pictures of them when they dive.  They sometimes dive way under the water to get their fish.  They continued doing this for probably an hour or more.

You can see 3 or 4 turning into a dive.

Yesterday I told you about our resident fisherman but didn't show you his boat.  Here is his boat and that is him out checking his nets this morning.  His oars consist of a stick with two ice cream pail lids nailed to the ends of it and his boat is just slightly wider than a canoe but he stands up in it a walks all over the place.  When I took the pictures of the boat, the young lad was having a siesta under a tree.

We were going to go for supper at Hamburger night at the RV Park but Sue had a headache and went and laid down.  It was almost 6 when she came out just in time for sunset at the palapa.  The pool is a good area to watch it from as well.

And you could almost hear it sizzle as it sank into the water and a huge plume of steam rose from it.  Well maybe thats a cloud.  And that was our day.  Hope you had a great one.


  1. Cool pictures of the pelicans, Lorne. The only thing that would have made those dive bombs better is sound effects. Can you try and improve on that please? :D
    You are in such a lovely spot. Hope you fed Sue when she got up.

  2. They sometimes dive close to shore and I wonder if they ever hit the bottom!!!

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