Tuesday 10 October 2023

Terry Fox Mountain

WHERE ARE WE? Terry Fox Mountain Rest Stop near Tete Jaune Cache BC

Again today there was no rush to get going and we didn't want to get involved in any Edmonton rush hour.  The Anthony Henday bypass certainly makes life easy for going around the city and I had never been on the north route so today was the day.  I even snagged a tank of gas at 124.9 in Spruce Grove.  Bonus!!  It will get quite expensive as we head into BC.

Today was just all about the drive.  It is always great to be back in the mountains and they didn't disappoint.  We had sun and cloud and rain and a couple almost snowy flakes.  The roads were good.   We went by some familiar towns along the way.  Brought back memories of Derek because he worked out in this country for a while.

We had to make a little pit stop in Jasper to deliver a package to Mitch from Shelly!!!  The main street looked much the same as it did a few years ago.

We stopped for the night in a rest stop on Terry Fox Mountain.  Although Terry never got to run through here, the people of BC dedicated a mountain to his courage.  Terry did live in BC.

There is a nice little park beside the rest stop and the path leads down to a spot overlooking the river which is probably 300 feet below us.  Archie was a little timid to look over the edge and I was even more timid.  Very pretty.

This was our trip for today.  I am ready for bed but with another time change it is only 8 pm!!!  I don't know if I will make it to 9!!!   In case I don't, Good Nite!!


  1. love your bear window mascot

    1. It is actually a momento of Sues Dad Andy who was a Police Chief!!! It has some of his buttons on it.

  2. Very picturesque country. It’s nice to have those memories of Derek. I bet you were faster on delivery than Canada Post. Lol. Safe travels.


  3. Thanks to the Green’s Delivery Service!


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