Saturday 2 March 2024

Normand and Suzanne Head for Home

WHERE ARE WE? Numero UNO RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

Today was a sad day for us in the park.  The great Northern Migration has started with Normand and Suzanne heading out today.  They have left a hole in the park and our hearts but Suzanne must get back to Quebec for spring skiing season.  We have enjoyed our time with them this winter but it ended much too soon.  Safe travels.

It wasn't long before JR and Claudine moved up to their spot.  It will be a good place for them for a month or so.

Later in the morning we heard the bread truck pulling up.  They have a special horn and he always yells in a low voice, "breeeead maaaaan".   They have yummy stuff and I love the Pina Epanadas. 

Grace and Nova got busy with some crafty things and wasted the afternoon away doing them.  We liked to see a little break from the sun today.

Sue and some of the girls in the park were playing vet today.  Speckles has a sore leg and Rudy got stabbed so both of them needed to quit licking the spots.  The girls made up nice neck cones out of pool noodles.  They seem to be working quite well.

The kids did manage to make it into the ocean today for a while.  There are other kids visiting their grandparents here, so it is nice for Max and Grace.

We got to see another awesome sunset tonight.

The kids and I took another walk downtown this evening so we got a picture by the La Penita sign.  Then home we went and climbed into bed.  Good Nite!


  1. Kind of the vets to help!
    It sounds like everyone has settled in to a nice calm rhythm now.
    It is always sad when friends leave.


  2. Rudy got stabbed??? That's awful!
    I'm sure it is sad to say goodbye to friends.
    Nice for the kids to make friends while they are there.
    Of course the sunset is beautiful, but it is moving along isn't it?

  3. Terry L Turrell4 March 2024 at 11:37

    Nice article and photos. Now I know what the pastry man is shouting😀


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