Tuesday 9 April 2024

Day One on the Road

WHERE ARE WE? Chimulco RV Park, Villas Corona, Jalisco, Mexico

Well our time in La Penita has come to a close for this season.  We have enjoyed spending time with Kenia and her family as well as old and new friends.  We got all loaded up and then it was time for goodbye's.  

Of course goodbyes sometimes go on forever and that was the case today.  Kenia and Oscar would love to be coming with us but that is not possible.  If Kenia gets busy and gets a visa, she may be able to come visit this summer.

So Oscar rode with me until we stopped to hook up the Jeep in La Colonia.  Then after saying goodbye again, we left them behind and headed out.

I managed to get around to turning my hitch on the motorhome upside down so the Jeep pulls a little more level.  That will work just great.

The new toll road now connects us to the 15D cuota that takes us to Guadalajara.  For the last 3 trips we have had to head up the long narrow winding 200 highway to Compostela before turning on the the Cuota.  It is about an hour driving with white knuckles which tends to wear you out before the trip begins.  This year there is none of that, however, you trade the ease of driving and about a 45 minute time saving, for some hefty tolls.  We got on the toll road at Las Varas and took it all the way to Guadalajara and it cost us about 1800 pesos, or about $145 Cnd.  The white knuckle part from Las Varas to Compostela was 600 pesos or $48.

Today we are going to stop at Villas Corona and meet up with JR and Clo there.  They left a little after us, but they passed us on the road.  Their little rig is a lot faster than us.  The name of the park we are going to is Chimulco and it is noted for its thermal pools.  

As I was driving around the park to find my spot we saw a couple in a little trailer.  Sue commented on the nice yard and when we got to our spot the lady from the trailer came around the corner.  Yup it was Angie!  Her and her husband Stephan were in the Little Rig RV park 2 years ago for a while.  Wow it is a small world.  They have been doing lots of touring in Mexico and are loving it here.

Anyway we got parked up and got things kinda set up for the night.  Not sure about tomorrow and whether we will stick around or make a run for it.  Tune in tomorrow for that decision.

I went over to check out the pools.  They were already being drained for the night. The water was only about ankle to knee deep.  These pools are fed warm to hot thermal water and it comes in large quantities so it doesn't take long to fill these massive pools.  There are about 4 big ones and as many smaller ones.  Every day they are drained and cleaned and because right now is low season for use, they will probably only fill one tomorrow morning.  I am looking forward to my morning swim around 7:30 am.  

The grounds here are quite pretty and the trees are beginning to blossom.  There is one tree here that has beautiful purple flowers that I love.  I got to chatting to JR and Clo and completely forgot a sunset tonight.  Oh well. 

Here is a map of our travels today.  Although we call it our northward trek, today we will travel mostly east and a little south. We are at Chimulco RV Park, Villas Corona, Jalisco, Mexico.  Good Nite!!!



  1. It is always tough saying goodbye.
    Safe travels!


  2. Goodness are hard but hellos are awesome!!
    Is prefer that park to where you stay, i think, it's lovely.

  3. We miss you guys! Glad you made it to such a beautiful spot


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