Sunday 13 October 2024

My Search Continues

WHERE ARE WE? Slidell, Louisiana

I am on a search for a good ole Southern Baptist, hymn singin, hell fire and brimstone preachin, hand clappin, type of church.  I have always loved the southern style of gospel music, and there is nothing better than a preacher who will make you sit on the edge of your seat thinkin that there is no way somebody as sinful as I would ever make it into heaven!!   With that in mind, I picked a church on Google to attend this morning.  When I got there and entered the church, I knew immediately that I wasn't gonna get any of the above.  The whole church was pretty much white haired and fairly prissy.  There were about 35 people there. Now don't get me wrong, everyone has an equal right to make it to heaven by worshiping as they see fit, and yes I am old and white haired.  The music was the new style mono tone singing with the pastor strumming on an old non melodic guitar with the words on the screen at the front.  Only about 5 people were singing.  I just don't identify with that but it was done with all the best intensions. But he did give a good sermon.  He was a story teller, and we were exploring the book of Ruth.  Ruth was a young lady that had a lot going against her when she moved into a new land.  She listened to gods leading and found a way to meet her needs.  This is called Providence, when God provides an opportunity and you react in a good way to it.  I learned a lot from this preacher and everyone was very nice.  Maybe next Sunday I can come across some good old Southern Gospel Music.  

That was about all we did today other than go for a little drive about sunset.  It is Sunday after all, a day of rest!!  Good Nite!!

This is probably true!!


  1. lol. I love the descriptions, and I know exactly what you mean. We attended Mass years ago in the BVI with just such a congregation as you described, it was the best one I ever attended. Keep up the search. Stay safe.


  2. Sorry you didn't find your church - yet - but glad you picked up some knowledge. :)
    When we were kids, after we stopped going to church, Daddy would always say 'let's go for a drive!' Loved those rides, picking up pop bottles out of the ditches to cash in and him pretending he was lost.


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