Thursday 3 October 2024

We made it to Kentucky

WHERE ARE WE? Whitehaven Rest Stop, Paducah, Kentucky

We headed down the road again today.  We stayed in Vandalia a couple days longer than planned because it was a beautiful campground and we also wanted to spend another evening with Chuck and Angie.  So todays goal is to make it half way to Nashville.  That's what we did.  Here was our trip today.

When we got closer to Kentucky, the farmland started turning into some rolling hills.  We stayed on highway 51 for as long as we could because there was way less traffic than the interstate.  

We generally try to travel about 250 kms each day.  When you don't get on the road till noon and you want to be done by 4 or 5, that is about as far as we can go.  Since we left home we have travelled 2800 kilometers and have been on the road for 16 days which is an average of 175 kms/day.  Actually we are doing real well and have been staying in places for a while.  Our schedule says we need to be in Mission TX on October 26 and we have about 1900 kms to go.  So at 250 kms a day it will take about 8 days driving so we have 15 days that we can just hang out wherever we want.  And Nashville is just down the road.  Hmmm what should we do???  Stay tuned.   Anyway we arrived in Paducah around 4:30 today and had a nice nap before checking out the rest stop we are in.  It has a neat period house on the grounds which begged for a picture.

This is where we are for tonight!  Good Nite!


  1. That is a neat place to stop. I have been there a few nights on my way to Georgia.

  2. That is the nicest looking rest stop I’ve ever seen:)

  3. Great picture of Sue and Archie and a lovely building!

  4. I spent a week in Paducah years ago.


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