Thursday 28 December 2023

Exciting News Today

WHERE ARE WE? Numero UNO RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

I got to spend some time with my friend Harold this morning.  Sue and Pat headed to PV to get supplies and Harold and I spent and hour or so having breakfast and a good old chat.  We don't see much of each other any more so it was nice to spend some time with him.  Saw this sign at the entrance to the RV park in Lo De Marcos where we had breakfast.   Yup that's about right!!

Then I headed back to La Penita where I decided to visit the big RV park where I was sure there would be a game of pool volleyball going on.  Yup there was!  

It was nice to see some of our old acquaintances and it was really nice to see Ceci.  Ceci is Kenia's aunt and was one of the first local people we met the first time we came to La Penita.  She taught me how to say "Delicioso!"   I sat and chatted with George and Henny for a while before heading back to the park.  On the way I stopped at Las Koritas for a quick chat.  There was our sign that Sergio painted for us last year.  He likes to joke that it is Georges Jeep on our sign!!

When I got back, Archie was begging for a walk on the beach.  He has this couple of dogs that love him and he struts along like his is the king of the beach.  I call the black guy "Scruffy!"   

There was an egret and a heron at the estuary today.  They are not very scared of people or the dogs.  

Sue got home mid afternoon and she was not feeling well at all.  We had been invited for supper with Steve and Julie to celebrate her birthday but we had to cancel.  Sorry Julie.  We will get together one of these days. 

One of the things some of the RVers here asked for is a volleyball net on our little pool.  So today I was talking about it to Howard and he said he had some netting that we could use, so he and I made up a net and a way to mount it on the pool and boom.....we have a volleyball net.   Everyone is excited to try it out tomorrow.  There were a couple young girls in the pool that gave us a demonstration.

I had a couple short conversations with Kenia today and her friends funeral is at 4 pm this afternoon.  She is with friends like she should be.  I just encouraged her to get some rest after the funeral is over.

The exciting news is that Nicole, Abby, Silas, Emma and Lincoln are in Calgary tonight.  They flew from Brandon MB to Calgary this afternoon and will board a flight to Puerto Vallarta tomorrow morning.  We are excited to have them visit with us for 10 days or so.  We will pick them up tomorrow afternoon.  There will be lots of action around here for a few days.  

Caught another sunset.  Good Nite!!


  1. Oops...
    We totally understand about dinner, just hope Sue gets better quick, so she can enjoy family. See you soon

  2. Sounds like there will be a lot of fun, along with some noisy days, a little chaos, and more fun ahead for you and Sue for the foreseeable future. Enjoy...enjoy...enjoy!!!
    Sorry to read about you Mexican daughter's young friend.

  3. Sorry to hear of the death of Kenia’s friend.
    Hopefully Sue feels better soon. I’m happy you both had visits with your friends Harold and Pat. I love the net!
    The look of excitement in the faces of those adorable young people promise to fill the next number of days with laughter, giggles, whoops and hollers, some whines and snippy moments, hugs and love. You are lucky folks. Enjoy!


  4. It's nice just to have time with the girls as well as with the guys and on an individual basis, sometimes it is even better.
    Love the idea of the volleyball net. It will get used a lot over the next 10 days, i bet.
    How far is PV?
    Feel better, Sue.


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