Monday 25 December 2023

Merry Christmas

WHERE ARE WE? Numero UNO RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas day in Mexico is much different than Christmas in Canada.  In Mexico, it is just another day.  When we got up we heard the jingle jingle of the garbage truck coming down the road the same as it has any other day.

The downtown is operating much like it would on any other day with most of the stores open for business.  The delivery truck was at the Fruiteria and the guys were unloading produce.  They carry these bags from out on the street, way to the back of the store!!  

We did see Santa handing out toys to all the kids in town.  He just randomly drives downtown with a bunch of gift bags for the kids.  They are so generous here.  At home we hand out a couple candies.   Here they toss out big toy bags with balls and trucks and all sorts of things in them.  There are a lot of smiling kids here as Santa goes by.

I saw one lady in traditional dress walking downtown.  Some of the mountain people come to town at Christmas and they like to dress up.  They don't wear the modern touristy clothes, but rather their traditional things.  They are so pretty!!

Back home, Archie and Skipper got in an afternoon stroll.

We are having a park pot luck tonight.  We should have had a prize for the most festive couple.  Normand and Suzanne would certainly win.

Everyone chipped in with something for supper and we had a feast.  We even had turkey!!!  Its such a great way for everyone to get to know one another.  

After supper we did a gift exchange but played a dice game to determine who got what gift.  It was a fun thing to do and everyone ended up with something.

To end off the evening we had a bonfire and Suzanne and Howard entertained us on the squeeze box accordion and the guitar.  Its always nice to have talent in the park.  Thanks for sharing!!  That was our Christmas in Mexico!  Good Nite!!


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