Monday 11 December 2023

The Final Day with Friends in San Carlos

WHERE ARE WE? San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico

The last day before we move further south.  Supposed to get Percy all ready to go but that didn't happen.  Guess I will be getting up early in the morning.  Sue went for a bike ride to the Estuary and I just lazed around.  It was a beautiful day with light breeze and 27C.  San Carlos could easily be a good option rather than the chilliness of Arizona, and if the long drive to La Penita was not possible.  We will put it on the back burner for later.   

Got a message from Sheri and Dani that they were at a Christmas wreathy thingy making workshop.  Look what they made??  Pretty nice.

If you remember a while ago I wrote that Dani had surgery.  The surgery was to re-break her nose (that she broke when she was little) and straighten it and make it so she could breath through it again.  This picture made me look a little closer, and what an awesome job the surgeon did. And it was only a few weeks ago and she looks amazing!!  

I did spend a little time setting up a couple of dash cams.  We like to let everyone know that they are on candid camera.  I have no idea if it deters anything but what the heck.  We are not anticipating anything, but I would look silly if we didn't do it and we were bothered by someone.  Sorry it was dark by the time I got done this project.

About 5:30 we headed out to the beach for our last Sonoran sunset for this trip.  We have enjoyed everyone's company and will be a bit sad to leave.

The sunset did not disappoint.

Archie has loved just snoozing in the sunbeam on the dash of the MH.  He was part of my window shot today.  Big day tomorrow.  Good Nite!!


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