Sunday 3 December 2023

Meeting Lots of New Friends

WHERE ARE WE? San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico

Had the best sleep ever last night and woke very refreshed.  I'm thinking the air is different in Mexico.  It is very quiet here on the beach but I am told it can be quite noisy when the locals come to party.  I'm sure we will hear the mariachi music being blasted from some huge car speaker before we leave.  After our coffee we went for a walk on the beach with Sandra and Michael.  It is nice to get the feet wet again!!  Archie enjoyed it too.  I only went half way and turned around while the other three continued on.  They did about 15000 steps.

Because we will be here for a week or so, I got Michael to help me take the hard top off the Jeep and we replaced it with the Bimi top I bought last year.  It is just a canvas that covers the top just to keep the sun out.

Using the hard top as a mini storage shed

I can feel the breeze already

After we finished, Michael and I took it for a little drive down the beach.  Really need 4x4 here cause the sand is really fine and soft.  

And here is our little community near the beach.  Most of these people spend 3 or 4 months of the winter here.  It is a nice spot with fairly good weather and sunshine for the most part.  

It is a good spot for anyone looking for a free place to camp with probably more consistently warm weather for the winter months.  It is a comfortable days drive (450 kms) south of Tucson with very little worries.  Because you are not very far south, you don't require a TIP which is the time consuming process.  You do require Mexican Vehicle Insurance which you buy online, and an FMM visa but other than sometimes a lineup, the paperwork is quick.

We hit it just right as the community had decided to do a little potluck supper on the beach tonight.  Sue made some appies to contribute and we joined them.  Another fun thing about the beach life.

After supper they got the bonfire going and we all sat around enjoying some good conversation.  It was great fun but it was soon San Carlos midight (9 pm) and time to shut it down.  We made some good friends today and enjoyed their company a  lot.  Let me see if I remember them all.  Of course Sandra, Michael, and then Chris, Pete, Ollie (Lorne), Wayne, Jody, Greg, Laurie.  (Spellings may vary).  

Its been a good first day here in San Carlos and we look forward to a few more.  Here was our view out the window with the Bimi top on.  Good Nite!!


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