Sunday 13 October 2024

My Search Continues

WHERE ARE WE? Slidell, Louisiana

I am on a search for a good ole Southern Baptist, hymn singin, hell fire and brimstone preachin, hand clappin, type of church.  I have always loved the southern style of gospel music, and there is nothing better than a preacher who will make you sit on the edge of your seat thinkin that there is no way somebody as sinful as I would ever make it into heaven!!   With that in mind, I picked a church on Google to attend this morning.  When I got there and entered the church, I knew immediately that I wasn't gonna get any of the above.  The whole church was pretty much white haired and fairly prissy.  There were about 35 people there. Now don't get me wrong, everyone has an equal right to make it to heaven by worshiping as they see fit, and yes I am old and white haired.  The music was the new style mono tone singing with the pastor strumming on an old non melodic guitar with the words on the screen at the front.  Only about 5 people were singing.  I just don't identify with that but it was done with all the best intensions. But he did give a good sermon.  He was a story teller, and we were exploring the book of Ruth.  Ruth was a young lady that had a lot going against her when she moved into a new land.  She listened to gods leading and found a way to meet her needs.  This is called Providence, when God provides an opportunity and you react in a good way to it.  I learned a lot from this preacher and everyone was very nice.  Maybe next Sunday I can come across some good old Southern Gospel Music.  

That was about all we did today other than go for a little drive about sunset.  It is Sunday after all, a day of rest!!  Good Nite!!

This is probably true!!

Saturday 12 October 2024

A New Way to Deliver Amazon.

WHERE ARE WE? Slidell, Louisiana

Laundry day today.  We enjoyed the morning around camp before heading out into Slidell to find the Washeteria!!  It had the best reviews but was still not that great.

By not great I mean lots of washers and dryers broke down.  The big thing was that it was $5.75 for each of our 3 loads of laundry and it ONLY took quarters.  And to top that off, it only took every second quarter the first time, so each machine took dropping about 35 quarters to make it work.  It probably took like 10 minutes to get each washer up and running.  As a business owner, they should realize this is 10 minutes that they don't get paid for.  I would switch to a card system real quick.  For every 3 washes, they lose 1 whole wash.  So in a 10 hour day they lose about $30 on each machine and they probably have 50 machines so that is $1500 a day!!!  Even if I am 50% high on my numbers, it wouldn't take long to buy a card reader system.  And that doesn't count the dryers, which were actually much faster.  Business owner rant over.

Between washing and drying we headed across the street for a bite of lunch at McDonalds.  We shared a 2 cheeseburger meal and it was lots for the 2 of us for lunch.  We are going to try to cut down on what we order when we eat out.  It took us about 3 hours to get over our Cracker Barrel pig out yesterday and that was just because we ate too much plus it cost like $35.

After the laundry we headed to Walmart to return some things we bought yesterday and then to Lowes to pick up a bunch of supplies for some projects I have to do around the MH.  I had a long list but I got most of it.

Lowes are great stores if you need stuff.  They boast a bit more stuff than a Home Depot.

Earlier this morning Sue got a text message from Amazon that her order had been delivered to an Amazon locker near us.  The text said the packages had arrived and then there was a picture of them.  I said the picture was just to confirm what packages came.  

Would you say thumbs up or down??

Well this afternoon we headed over to the little service station where the Amazon locker is and guess what?  Yup, there they were, just like in the picture.  Wow!  Just wow!!!  And they have been here for probably 8 hours or more!!!  I think Amazon will get a review from Sue. Can you imagine what the driver was thinking when he just dropped them by the locker???  Oh well we got them and we headed for home.

Exactly where the text said they would be


We got home about 5 and I got busy with a couple projects.  First was hooking up our drinking water tap so that we can use water from 5 gallon bottles. 

Yup it works

Bottle tucked under the sink

Then I put a door on the dog food storage cupboard that is under the fridge.  This was just wasted space, so I made it into a nice storage area.

And we are going to try to line up a little cruise and supper on a paddle boat before we leave the area.  It is New Orleans isn't it??  Fingers crossed.  Good Nite!!

Friday 11 October 2024

I've Been a Bad Boy!!

WHERE ARE WE? Slidell, Louisiana

We sat around and did some catching up on stuff for Cj's.  Even though we have left, there is always still stuff to do on the computers.  About 11 we decided to hit up Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  If you have never been to Cracker Barrel, you are missing something awesome.  Good old downhome cooking.

One of their trademarks is these peg games on every table.  It is impossible not to play it no matter how much you say you are not going to.  

I played twice and got down to a single peg left on the second try.  Thats a rare thing for me.

We did a little shopping and headed home.  We were unloading when the Louisiana Wildlife Agent pulled up.  He was a nice guy but had to explain to us how the rules have changed in Wildlife Management Camp Areas.  Instead of one permit, which seniors didn't need when we were here last, we now need three different permits.  One is free and then we need a camping permit that is 7 bucks and day, and each of us need an access permit which is $5 each for 5 days.  He was apologetic but just told us to go online and get the permits and we would be ok.  He had to write us a warning in case any other Agents checked us before our permits kick in tomorrow.   He kept apologizing but he was very nice about it.  Oh yes and there are no pets allowed here unless they are hunting dogs.  I told him that Archie hunts squirrels and he laughed and said no one was going to both us.  Ironically they do use dogs for hunting squirrels down here!!!!  Anyway you don't need to start a go fund me for my bail.  

Hope tomorrow is a better day lol!!  As long as I stay out of jail I should be fine.  Supposed to be some good weather around here although one of the locals told us it is actually a little cool for this time of year.  Yah right!!!  I'm ok with his cool.  Good Nite!!

Thursday 10 October 2024

Northern Lights in Southern Louisiana!!

WHERE ARE WE? Slidell, Louisiana

Well the folks around here are just in awe as the northern lights have made an appearance here near the Gulf of Mexico.  The family I was talking with were in their late 30's and have never seen them before.  They are pretty ho hum compared to the shows back home, but none the less they are the northern lights.  It is the result of some geomagnetic storm that's happening right now.  

Anyway back to earlier today.  We decided to head down to Slidell today.  We had hoped to meet up with Ed and Lessie here, but alas it is not to be.  They are held up waiting for "Roundtuit" to get some repairs. Of course with the hurricane going through where they are getting it fixed, the parts they need are being delayed by a week or more.  Ed and Lessie escaped any of the storm by moving up into the Florida panhandle for a couple days.  We decided to come here anyway because we want to explore New Orleans a little bit more.  This is how we ended up where we are now.  

This was a bit of the scenery along the way.

And somewhere along the trip we showed that we have driven 4000 kms this trip so far.  Only 2380 kms to La Penita.  Piece of cake!!!

We knew we were getting close to the New Orleans area as we started to see damage from what may have been hurricanes.  The most notable one was Katrina which almost wiped out this area almost 20 years ago.

We arrived at Slidell about 4 pm and got all set up.  We have a nice grassed area to park on.  Even Archie is enjoying it.  

We are right by a boat tour place.  They do tours of the bayou looking at alligators and wild pigs.  We have gone on the tour before and enjoyed it immensely.  Don't know if we will do it again or not.

After supper, I went for a little bike ride down into a little subdivision that is close by.  They have a lot of Halloween decorations up and they are all lit up.  Here is some of what I saw on my bike ride.  Good Nite!!