Monday, 17 February 2025

Susans Birthday

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Happy Birthday to my partner in crime.  Well maybe not that much crime but she is my partner.  This year is not a milestone but next year we will have to reveal her age.  Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

With Fany's help, we planned a little outing for the big celebration today.  Lilly got out the Birthday hat and Susan wore it with pride all day.  What a good sport.

The outing was a trip to the hot pools at Jamurrca which are just a few miles past Las Veras.  27 kms but takes like 40 minutes to get there down an old Mexican cobble road.

The pools are bigger ones with varying temperatures so there is one for everyone.  100 pesos per person but they tell me it is free for seniors on Thursdays.  Very nice place with lots of chairs and your own palapa.

We stayed until almost 5 pm and then headed down the road to a restaurant at La Puerto de la Lima.  The restaurant is right on the 200 and is big and has good food.

We had a great supper and after supper the waiter got all his helpers to do a Happy Birthday thing for Sue.  She got a piece of cake and a shot of tequila amidst much noise and music.  

Irwin, Wanda, Rhonda, Lilly, Ron, Kirly, John, Lou, Andrea, Susan, Me, Fany, Jeff and wee Max.

Bottoms Up!!! 

From there we went back home where there was more cake and singing and candles and Happy Birthdays.  Kip Suzanna and Bernard and Monique joined us for this part of the celebration.  Kip even brought Ice Cream which was a hit.  I think Sue appreciated the day.  Stay tuned for the big celebration next year.  Good Nite!!!

The fire gets hotter every year.

They huffed and they puffed and they blew them all out!!

Of course the song of the day today was..............

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday dear Susan
Happy Birthday to you.

The melody to ‘Happy Birthday to You’ dates back to the 1890s, when Louisville schoolteacher Patty Hill and her sister Mildred, composed a song that would be simple enough to sing with Patty’s kindergarten students. The original lyrics that accompanied the familiar ‘Happy Birthday’ tune were:

Good morning to you
Good morning to you
Good morning dear teacher,
Good morning to all

Today's weather

Mostly cloudy. 27 / 18 °C
Humidity: 83%. Wind: 5 mph  from Southwest

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Typical Sunday

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Sunday Morning Comin Down.  Can't say as I can identify with the first part of the song which is about a major hangover after a party hardy Saturday night.  I have no idea if Kris Kristofferson was writing this about himself or just people in general, but you can almost feel the headache. We all know however that Johnny Cash, who is the noted performer of this song, may have had a few too many occasionally. That was not the case around here, but the song did come to me when writing this post.  Perhaps some birria may have helped.

Well, I woke up Sunday morning
With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad
So I had one more for dessert
Then I fumbled through my closet for my clothes
And found my cleanest dirty shirt
And I shaved my face and combed my hair
And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day
I'd smoked my brain the night before on
Cigarettes and songs that I'd been pickin'
But I lit my first and watched a small kid
Cussin' at a can that he was kicking
Then I crossed the empty street
And caught the Sunday smell of someone fryin' chicken
And it took me back to somethin'
That I'd lost somehow, somewhere along the way
On the Sunday morning sidewalks
Wishing, Lord, that I was stoned
'Cause there's something in a Sunday
Makes a body feel alone
And there's nothin' short of dyin'
Half as lonesome as the sound
On the sleepin' city sidewalks
Sunday mornin' comin' down
We did a couple things this morning of interest.  While walking Archie I noticed that the normally perfectly clear water of the estuary had turned brilliant green.  This is not slimy algae, but rather the small leaves of aquatic plants similar to what we have in our lakes back home.  This condition comes and goes based on the wind mainly, but oddly enough the whole thing could be clear a couple hours later.  Needless to say, Archie was not interested in wading in it today.

Today being Sunday, headed over to Abuela's for birria.  When we arrived, abuela was sitting there by herself nursing a bad cold.  She did not open today because she was really sick. We wish her well and will come back next Sunday.  So we did the second best and headed downtown to a street vendor for birra taco's.  They were quite good but not like abuela's.

Because the pool is warming up and has had more people in it, the algae is starting to grow, so it was time to shock it and get rid of the build up.  I put some clarifier in tonight and by morning all the algae will be laying on the bottom ready to vacuum.  Then the pool will be sparkling clean again.

Sunset was well attended and did not fail us. A little different with some clouds around but none the less it went down. 

Archie and I were a little bit late with our walk tonight but we made it home before dark.  

We got a shot of RRV with all the lights on.  Kinda welcoming.  Good Nite!!

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Springtime is Starting Here in Mexico

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Morning Happy hours are kinda a thing around here.  Everyone comes with their coffee to chat and watch for whales.  The reason you don't see many pictures of the whales is because they are far enough out in the bay that the camera just shows a black speck if anything at all.  When the whales really breach up in the air, my camera is never ready anyway.  

Had a bit of computer work to do today so I sat in my comfy chair and did it.  I may have nodded off a couple of times.  

Because it has been winter around here, lots of the vegetation goes kinda dormant for a couple months.  Finally Spring has sprung and the grass is riz, I wonder where the flowers is?  Oh I found one!!  That is what happened to this flowering bush plus the fact that we cut it way back right when it was going dormant so it is slow recovering.  I noticed a couple of nice flowers on it today so it is on the way back I guess.  

Once again we experienced a Mexican sunset and with it some nice pink clouds in the background.  It was just another "Saturday in the Park".

"Saturday in the Park, I think it was the Fourth of July"

Good Nite!

Today's weather

Scattered clouds. 28 / 17 °C
Humidity: 73%. Wind: 7 mph  from Southwest

Friday, 14 February 2025

Dancing in the Street

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

We decided to go downtown for lunch today with Rhonda and Ken.  We had a few things to get from the store but our tummies are what drove us down there.  On the way we stopped on the stinky walking bridge and saw the crocodile way over there.  He is about 12 feet long I am guessing and is the king of the estuary.

We went to El Toro for lunch and all had different things.  I ordered fish but was expecting a fish fillet and some rice.  Here's what I ended up with.  It was delicious and supper won't be necessary.

After lunch I took the Jeep for a car wash.  They did a great job I think.  It is quite dusty around here and with the salt water mist coming off the ocean, we need a wash once in a while.

In the evening I headed down to Kenia's to take her a cord for the movie projector.  Alas I still brought her the wrong one so she will have to wait I guess.  Manana

While we were there some friends dropped by for some treats.  George and Henny and Normand and Suzanne!!  We had a nice time visiting and eating and drinking.

A little bit later some of Kenia's friends showed up and backed their car up next to the Cafecito and opened the truck and exposed a big set of speakers.

The Mexican music started blaring and the dancing started.  Actually is was real toe tapping music.  Suzanne got right in there with them.  It was a great way to end a very nice day. 

Speaking of Mexican Music, does anyone remember Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Band?  That really dates me doesn't it. They were popular in the 1960's but then rock and roll took over and they faded away.  I used to have a 33 record album of them and I remember the song "A Taste of Honey" or maybe "The Lonely Bull".  Although I had never been to Mexico, I could picture the bull fight ring with a Mexican in a huge sombrero fighting to win the senorita in the long flowing dress!!

Enough for today.  Good Nite!!

Today's weather

Scattered clouds. 29 / 17 °C
Humidity: 63%. Wind: 4 mph  from Southwest

Thursday, 13 February 2025

The Pelicans Came Again Today

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

The Pelicans were back out in front of our place in great numbers again today.  Something has forced the bait fish to school in front of our place and the pelicans are loving it.  The ocean is an ever changing environment and we just don't understand how it works.

Nothing out of the ordinary happening around here today so no stories until sunset time.  The group gathered to watch the sun set in the west.  It is rolling farther down the mountain into the ocean. 

Reminds me of an Elton John song that I like. 

Don't let the sun go down on me. Although I search myself it's always someone else I see.  I'd just allow a fragment of your life to wander free. But losing everything is like the sun going down on me.

Every time I hear this song, I think about how the sun went down on Princess Dianna.

Archie and I enjoyed a quick evening stroll on the beach tonight.  I usually try to go before it gets dark but I was pushing the envelope tonight.  Good Nite!

For those of you who actually follow the weather here, I bet you are starting to see a pattern.  That is why we normally don't even look at our weather apps because we know exactly what the day will be like.  This year has seen some cooler temps but still nothing too radical.  My weather post will become a little more interesting as we start our travels home in a couple months.

Today's weather

Partly sunny. 28 / 16 °C
Humidity: 73%. Wind: 6 mph  from Southwest

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Ed and Jen Headed back to California

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Today we said goodbye to Jen and Ed.  They are heading back to California for a few weeks and will return here in April.  We all wished them safe travels and promised to look after the place like it was our own.  

I wonder if they were singing our theme song when we head out with RRV.   Willie Nelson and his famous song is an infectious song.  You can't get it out of your mind easily.

On the road again, goin places that I've never been, seeing things that I may never see again and I can't wait to get on the road again!!

Then a quick trip to get water and propane and our days chores were done.  

While I was out for water, I stopped at the fish shop and bought one for supper.  Don't ask me the name of it but it was all right.  I think the way I cooked it in tinfoil made it a bit mushy.  Oh well it filled the tummy.

After supper we felt like we should have a treat so we decided to go to Kenia's Cafecito for a treat.  The kids came with us and we all had a nice visit.  Business is getting better for Kenia and she said her morning coffee business is really taking off.  That's great.  We had a great day.  Good Nite!!

Today's weather

Scattered clouds. 28 / 15 °C
Humidity: 64%. Wind: 7 mph  from Southwest