Sunday 10 May 2020

Another Week in the Life!!

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers, Manitoba, Canada
NEXT DESTINATION? South in the Fall

Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful moms of the world. 

Sunday 3 May 2020

Spring is Coming

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers, Manitoba, Canada
NEXT DESTINATION? South in the Fall

Here is an update for the week.  We are still in COVID jail for 4 more days.  Time has actually gone by quite quickly because we have been keeping busy.  There is lots to do to get some things done in CJ's before we open.  We have decided that we will open on May 15th which is the beginning of the May long weekend.  The park opens on May 8th but we figure we will give everyone a chance to figure out what is going to happen slowly before we throw Ice Cream and Hamburgers into the mix!!!
Kaitlyn and Greg have been busy bringing us supplies and the pickup and delivery windows of the Jeep have worked fantastic. Whether it is necessary or not is not an issue here, it just gives everyone a good feeling to have a little barrier!!   A little rainy the day she dropped off these supplies.

Monday 27 April 2020

A Few Chores

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers, Manitoba, Canada
NEXT DESTINATION? South in the Fall

I did get some time to do a blog so here it is.  Today the sun shone bright and the wind was minimal.  Wind is something we are really noticing after spending all winter in a place where the most wind you get is a nice breeze.  I guess we will get used to it again, just like we have for the last 65 years!!  Because our quarantine area includes the mini golf area, we got busy cleaning up after the long winter.   Getting rid of last years dead stuff and mowing the grass really makes a difference so that is our goal for the next couple days.

Sunday 26 April 2020

Supper Delivered Again!!

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers, Manitoba, Canada
NEXT DESTINATION? South in the Fall

Today was a gloomy windy day so Sue and I spent most of the day going through a bag of mail that Kaitlyn had brought us.  A lot of it needs some follow and some of it just needs filing.  I always email Manitoba Health to let them know that we arrived back in Canada earlier than the date on our temporary Health Card that they issue us in the fall.  That way we can leave earlier in the fall because as soon as 152 days in Manitoba are up we are good to leave!!  Also it is time to do our Form 8840 to appease the USA's need to tax us if we spend too much time there.  With adding 5 months in Mexico this year, we will not have to do an 8840 next year.  The three year formula will see us under the 182  days total!!  Lots of things to keep up on. 

Because we are quarantined we need to have a drop off spot for all of our supplies.  So I pulled the jeep up real close to the front of the Ponderosa and put yellow tape right up to it.  The passenger side is where our daughter, (or anyone) can drop off things for us and we can retrieve them on the drivers side without getting our dirty little corona virus infested fingers all over their door handle.  Pretty smart huh???  There is even a hand sanitizer bottle on the door handle!!  And items to be picked up are in the front seat, and the stuff they deliver goes in the back seat.  How can you tell I am a bit bored.  lol

Saturday 25 April 2020

A Little Work and a Great Supper

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers, Manitoba, Canada
NEXT DESTINATION? South in the Fall

Today was a gloomy cool day.  Perfect day to catch up on some things.  Sent a couple emails and then got caught up on my travel day record.  I have an excel program that I use to track our travel days in the USA and Mexico as well as to keep track of the days we spend in Manitoba.  We have to spend at least 152 days in Manitoba each year to maintain our health care.  If we go over the limit without applying for an extension, we could risk having to wait 3 months to get re instated.  Also the USA has the old 182 day rule that we strive to abide by, and of course Mexico has the 182 rule as well.  The USA makes us keep track of 2 things.  Maximum 182 days in a calendar year as well as not over 182 for each trip we take.  So that's where the excel sheet comes in handy.

Friday 24 April 2020

Our Mexican Friends.

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers, Manitoba, Canada
NEXT DESTINATION? South in the Fall

Well, Day 2 of the Quarantine has passed and we did a roll call this morning and we are both still alive.  We have removed all sharp or heavy objects that could be used as weapons from the Ponderosa and are so far resolving disputes with pillow fights!!  13 days to go!!

Thursday 23 April 2020

A New Grand Baby!!

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba Canada
NEXT DESTINATION? Head South in the fall

We finally made it back to our Ice Cream Shack in Rivers Manitoba.  The day was beautiful and we had an uneventful drive back.  We were home just in time for the birth of our newest Grandson, Lincoln.  He is the son of our son Derek and his wife Nicole and a brother to Abby, our angel Clayton, Silas, and Emma.   Around supper time we got a text saying that things were starting and by 9:15 he was here.  Nicole and Derek wanted a home birth and they opted to have him at Nicoles parents house where Nicole was raised.  I think that was a good choice.  It's kind of crappy that we won't be able to snuggle him for a while but hey, that's the way it is.  Welcome to the family Lincoln!!

Wednesday 22 April 2020

We are Getting Close to Home!!

WHERE ARE WE? Rugby North Dakota
NEXT DESTINATION? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Well we are almost on the last leg of our journey back to CJ's to get the Ice Cream Summer under way.  It looks like we will be opening on May long weekend, but before we can even think about opening, we have to self isolate for 14 days to prove to the world that we are not dragging some ugly virus around with us.  We have literally been isolated for the last 3 weeks already, but that doesn't count so we will be on lockdown until around May 7th.  Here is our travels today.  We had a little longer day so we won't have far to go tomorrow, plus it was a gorgeous day today so we just kept going. 

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Laundry Day Today

WHERE ARE WE? Plankinton South Dakota
NEXT DESTINATION? Rugby North Dakota

Another lazy start this morning.  We are loving the warm weather and don't want to push our luck too much.  The warmth is extending way north right now so we are free to go as far as we want but by the time we did some reading and some lolly gagging it was 11 am before we pulled out of Grand Island Nebraska and headed north on 281 highway.  281 winds and wanders and goes east for a while, then north, and then back west for a bit.   I think this route will be about 1/3 longer than  taking the interstate but what the heck.  We love to travel and travel we are doing!!

Monday 20 April 2020

Gopher Hunting in Nebraska

WHERE ARE WE? Grand Island, Nebraska

Like yesterday we were in no hurry to get on the road.  We have 230 kms to go today and we will end up in a Walmart parking lot.  We are going to do some shopping for home tonight.  There are some things that are cheaper even with the exchange so we will pick them up tonight.  We got on the road about 2:30 this afternoon.  The morning was lovely and we just sat around and soaked up the sun.

Sunday 19 April 2020

A Little Bit of Limestone

WHERE ARE WE? Luray Kansas

Because we are waiting for the Great White North to thaw out and warm up a little, we are in no hurry to get going in the mornings.  Today was no different and we didn't get on the road until nearly 11 am.   Today we are going to Luray Kansas because they have a nice little park on the east side of town.  We are going to follow Highway 281 all the way north to the Canadian border,  just because we can.  It is a nice smooth two lane highway but does have areas where there is no shoulder.  We are just cruising along about 50 mph so who cares!!

Saturday 18 April 2020

From Oklahoma to Kansas

WHERE ARE WE? Medicine Lodge Kansas

When we woke up today it was a lot nicer day than yesterday.  The wind had gone down a lot and the sun was shining.  We took our time getting going this morning and found ourselves doing a morning happy hour with Doug before we all packed up our things to hit the road.  Doug is going to be heading east and we are going north today.  We have enjoyed our time with Doug and Yuma for a couple days.

Friday 17 April 2020

Happy Birthday to Me!!

WHERE ARE WE? Hinton Oklahoma
NEXT DESTINATION? Moving North tomorrow

Well it has finally happened.  I am officially a senior in all aspects of the word.  When I turned 55 I was considered a senior for some things.  Then at 60 I was considered a senior for CPP and a few more perks and that is when I retired.  But now that I have turned 65, I can get most anything for free I think.  Isn't that how being a senior citizen works??  I sure hope so.   I am really looking forward to being a member of the brown envelope club.

Thursday 16 April 2020

A Friend drops by!

WHERE ARE WE? Hinton, Texas
NEXT DESTINATION? North on Saturday

We had a nice leisurely morning.  Some coffee and check on some bloggers.  Then a little roam around facebook, nope don't need that.  Sue has been bugging me to help her do highlights in her hair.  I guess it is no secret, but I am her on the road hairdresser when it comes to highlights.  It doesn't take a lot of talent on my part but it does require a thick skin on my part because every time I poke her with the little pick thingy she lets me have it verbally!!!!  I just snicker a wee bit and carry on!!

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Made it to Oklahoma

WHERE ARE WE? Sugar Creek Casino, Hinton, Oklahoma
NEXT DESTINATION? Here for a couple days

When you own an RV (and sometimes a house too) there is never an end to little problems.  Just when you lean back and relax, something goes on the fritz.  Well for the past couple weeks our water pump has been cycling intermittently and at first I wasn't sure why.  I checked everywhere a water line runs and there were no leaks.  After You Tubing about what might be wrong with the pump, my thought was that it was just old and tired and wore out just like me.  I decided I would ignore it unless it got worse.  Well today it got worse.  It started to leak around the pump seal which is a bit of a problem when we are doing lots of dry camping, because water conservation is our #1 priority.   I don't believe it will get a lot worse anytime soon, but I will have to find out where I can get a new one somewhere along the road home.

Tuesday 14 April 2020

On the Road Again and a Travel Schedule

WHERE ARE WE? Weatherford, Texas

Well today was the start of some better weather to start heading north again.  We have to be careful and not get in a hurry because old man winter is still clutching on to winter back in Rivers.  I know everyone there says its spring weather, but not for me.  It's frickin winter!!!   Here was our route today.

Monday 13 April 2020

Baby its Cold Outside!!

WHERE ARE WE? Waco, Texas

Woke up to temperatures in the high single digits.  I think the low was 5C so it was a big shock to me.  The last time I wore blue jeans was in mid October and I had hoped I could hold off a few days more but nope.  I was cold today!!!

Sunday 12 April 2020

A Quiet Easter

WHERE ARE WE? Waco, Texas

Happy Easter Everyone.  Charlie was wondering if there was food involved?  Of course there is Charlie, just wait and see.

Saturday 11 April 2020

Waco Siege Tour

WHERE ARE WE? Waco, Texas
NEXT DESTINATION? North after the rain and snow quit

This morning we looked out our window and people were starting to gather on the back side of Sam's Club.  I'm not sure what was going on but I know the store opens at 9 and this was shortly after 8.  I asked a couple people what the deal was and they just said they were coming to shop.  As soon as 9 came along the line disappeared and it never came back all day.  The store is huge an I bet 500 people would not even be noticeable in there but why they wanted to stand in line for almost an hour baffles my mind. 

Friday 10 April 2020

Finding cooler Weather

WHERE ARE WE? Waco, Texas

Well we moved about 400 kms north today and we are sure glad we did.  With all the rain etc in the south the high temps and the humidity were killing us.  So we decided today to go to Waco Texas where the temp is 22C with about 60% humidity.  I can handle that.

Thursday 9 April 2020

Finding Diesel

WHERE ARE WE? Port Lavaca, Texas
NEXT DESTINATION? Waco, Texas maybe

Charlie always senses when it is moving day.  He either crawls up on the couch or he watches me doing all my outside chores from up on the dash.  He definitely knew we were pulling out this morning.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

A Drive to Nowhere.

WHERE ARE WE? Winterhaven Resort, Brownsville TX.
NEXT DESTINATION? Magnolia Beach, Texas

Bored out of our gourd with nothing to do except get in a bunch of trouble.  Chores around the Ponderosa are all completed.  (Well there are a few left).  So we decided to drive out to Port Isabella and just drive along the highway that parallels the beach for a few miles.  We had to fill the Jeep with gas anyway so thought we could maybe burn a bit of it.  You almost want to spill a bit on the ground when it is only $1.48 a gallon.

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Girls can Skip this Post

WHERE ARE WE? Winter haven Resort, Brownsville, TX

Woke up to what was left of a little overnight rain.  It was humid again this morning and I am needing to find some cooler weather.   Not that cool my Manitoba friends!!!  We really need to move north a bit and get into the mid 20 temperatures.  All of the beaches around here are closed so there is no real draw to being close to the Gulf.  We can't see it anyway.  We hope we can spend a few days on the beach at Magnolia Beach which will satisfy us.  We are booked in here until Thursday morning so gotta get everything ready to roll by then.

Monday 6 April 2020

Just Hanging Out

WHERE ARE WE? Winterhaven RV Resort, Brownsville TX
NEXT DESTINATION? Migrating north soon

We are just enjoying some good old quiet time here in southern Texas.  It is really humid in the mornings but by noon it is much better.  Actually today it spit rain off and on but hardly enough to make you go inside.  It has been very dry here so they do need the rain.  The temperatures are warming up a lot here so it is probably time to move on farther north and find another quiet spot to hang out in for a while.

Sunday 5 April 2020

Don't poop in the Pool!!!

WHERE ARE WE? Winterhaven RV Resort, Brownsville Texas
NEXT DESTINATION? Migrating north soon

Today we observed a day of rest.  Not that we don't rest everyday but today we made it official.  We did go for a short walk around part of the park and found out that it is a pretty nice place.  They have built all of the lots with canals in the back yard.  Apparently they have them stocked with fish and you can catch and release if you want.  Kinda reminds you of what you would see in Venus.  They have RV's, park models, mobile homes and regular sticks and bricks houses here.

Saturday 4 April 2020

Fixit Day

WHERE ARE WE? Winterhaven RV Resort, Brownsville TX
NEXT DESTINATION? Northern Migration soon

Today was one of those kinda drizzly days.  The rain was really nice and warm and by the looks of the brown grass here, they could use it.  We didn't really get much rain, just a shower now and again.  When I was going through my camera i realized I forgot to post this picture yesterday.   As I was waiting for Sue at Walmart yesterday, I looked over the parking lot and my heart kinda gave a lurch!! What was I seeing??  There was Jim and Marilyn's camper van sitting there.  Well at least at first glance I thought it was and I wouldn't have put it past Jim to just quietly come down here to surprise us if this world confusion wasn't going on. I had to give my head a shake and realize it wasn't them at all.   It won't be long until we will see all our park camping friends again in Rivers campground.  We don't really know when that might be but I am confident it will happen this summer at some point.

Friday 3 April 2020

No Lineups for Me!!

WHERE ARE WE?  Winter Haven RV Resort, Brownsville TX.
NEXT DESTINATION?  Migrating North soon

Once we got here and settled in I did a little research on what may have triggered (no pun intended) the searches we were subjected to yesterday.  We were in no way accused of anything nor was there any sort of verbal interrogation at any time.  Everyone just wanted to see in the nooks and crannies of our motorhome and they were very cautious in doing it.  There were lots of M16's around and everyone was super cautious.  After reading the Brownsville Harold, it seems that some cartel big wheel is on the loose and some marines have been kidnapped and there has been a jail break of some sort, and some grenade throwing at a navy base just south of the border.   Apparently this has brought on a bigger military presence and increased attention to searching vehicles in this part of Mexico.  Although these are all unsettling things, the chances of us being involved in any of it is about the same as us winning the lottery.  I figure one is pretty safe if you just mind your own business and go on your way and thats what we did and we are fine.

So this morning when I came out of the Ponderosa I noticed a cord hanging down by the bedroom slide.  Oh oh silly me.  I had forgotten about the temporary fix I did which involved one of the bays on the slide and when we put out the bedroom slide last night it stretched the extension cord until it broke!!  Woops!!  Lucky I didn't grab the broke end of the cord because it was still hot!!  And I did look at that slide for obstructions before putting it out but didn't clue into what would happen to the cord.

Thursday 2 April 2020

Back in the USA

WHERE ARE WE? Winter Haven Resort, Winter Haven Texas

I got a few pictures of the compound that we stayed in overnight.  There are a few of these around the country and for like 100 pesos you can stay there with a fence around you and security guards on duty all night long.  This is mainly for truckers but they will let anyone who wants to spot them a few pesos, park there.

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Hasta Luego La Penita

WHERE ARE WE? Pemex Station Compound, Near Ville de Hidalgo, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Winter Haven RV Park, Winter Haven, Texas

We got up and unhooked the umbilical cord, had a cinnamon bun and were ready to hit the road by 7:00 am.  It was forecast to be another beautiful day in paradise, so that would be good for travelling.  A few quick goodbyes to some folks that came to give their well wishes and we were off.  Looks like about 650 kms today which will leave us in good shape for crossing into Texas on Wednesday afternoon.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Last Day at Romantic Escapes

WHERE ARE WE?  La Penita RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Towards Brownsville Texas, April 1, 2020

We had to head down to Rincon Guayabitos today to find some cream to last us for the trip.  Half and Half is something that the local Mexicans do not use so the stores only stock it while the snowbirds are around.  There are a few northerners that stay for the month of April so one store, the Mini Super Popin is one of the few stores that still stocks it.  They do advertise that they are virus friendly or I think that is what the big sign refers to!!!

Monday 30 March 2020

Getting Ready to Move

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? La Penita RV Park, April 1, 2020

Today will be the last full day in this RV Park for this season.  Just to quell all of the rumours, yes we have made a deposit to reserve our site for this November.  We just can not turn down the absolutely perfect weather day after day, and the people in the community have drawn us back as well.  We have got to know so many people, both snowbirds and locals, and that makes us want to return again in the fall.

So this morning I grabbed a coffee and Charlie and I went out to the palapa to watch what the ocean had to offer us.  With most of the snowbirds gone, the amount of activity in the bay has dropped right off.  There are still a few fishermen out there and they usually have a wave as they go by.

Sunday 29 March 2020

Surfs Up!!!

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Heading to Brownsville, April 1, 2020

**Please forgive the crazy font background.  I don't have time to fix it right now!!

The ocean was angry again this morning but for some people it is actually inviting.  Especially if you own a surf board.  Probably 20 guys showed up all along the beach with their surf boards and headed out into the water to catch a wave.  The waves were probably 8 to 10 feet with some more like 15 feet.  The only problem was that they were not forming far enough out, so the rides were sometimes quite short.  I did manage to catch one guy at the end of his ride being pushed along by the white water.

Saturday 28 March 2020

All Washed Up

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Heading to Brownsville TX, April 1, 2020

Today was wash day for the Ponderosa.  Martin and Monica do an awesome job of washing and waxing the Ponderosa and the Jeep.  It is nice to get all the dust and salt and bat poop washed off before we head out.  We will get them to do it again next fall when we arrive back here again.

Friday 27 March 2020

Kentucky Fried Pollo

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

The days are getting less exciting as the people really start to hunker down around here.  We ordered Kentucky Chicken tonight and I went to pick it up.  It tastes almost identical to Colonel Sanders.  We got mashed potatoes and coleslaw with it as well.  We got the 10 piece so I will have leftovers for lunch for a couple days.  I always think of the show "Breaking Bad" whenever I see a sign advertising "Pollo!!"

Thursday 26 March 2020

And They are Gone

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

Our neighbours have been here for 4 days now and we have not had any social interaction with them.  They seem to be self sufficient and if they are at the pool and we go there, they just leave.  Oh well that is not a bad thing in this particular social distancing time.  They have provided some much needed cash flow for Suzanne who has had all of her reservations for the suites cancelled.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

It's Mating Season

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

You know that you are bored when all you have to do is watch the Grackles mating dances.  Apparently these are local birds and will not be migrating anywhere.  They stay right in this area for the summer.  They are similar to magpies and everyone despises them.  They are noisy and rude and will eat anything.  But they are entertaining.   They do a little dance for us every day right beside our pad.  The male gets all puffy and squawks away and the female just carries on with business and ignores him.   Hmmmm  Sounds familiar!!!  And all the effort seems to be in vain because we have not witnessed any action to date!!  Familiar as well??

Tuesday 24 March 2020

A New Battery

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION?  Heading toward Brownsville TX, April 1, 2020

Because of the lack of things to write about, I am just going to post every few days until we start to travel.  Our plan is still to head east on next Wednesday.  We are going to travel with Brian and JoLynn at least as far as the Texas border.  I think after that, their plan will take them in a more eastward direction and we will be meandering more northerly.

For now we are enjoying wonderful weather and deserted beaches and just trying to keep some social distancing if possible.  That is not always possible because we still have to shop and get ready to travel, but we are trying to minimize social contact doing these things as much as possible.   We are noticing that much to the disbelief of the Canadian and American people who I might add are NOT here and know nothing about what is going on, that the Mexicans are taking this thing a lot more seriously than outsiders think.  The difference is that they don't need politicians to tell them what to do, they don't need testing just to create numbers for "experts" to manipulate as they desire, they figure it out for themselves.  They will look after family first and are a strong resilient people.  They are basically saying to the world, "here hold my beer!!"  And I will put my money on the fact that they will survive and with a whole lot less stress than the rest of the world.  Just my two cents worth.

Monday 23 March 2020

Our Exciting Lives

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

So the boredom is starting to set in just a bit.  It is funny how most human minds need the stimulation of outside sources to keep from being bored.  2 people can only talk about so many things in a day before they either run out of intelligent things to say, or disagree on something and self isolate. lol.  We have become slaves of social media and that is not always a good thing.  One starts to doubt if the decisions they have made are the right ones for them and thats when you have to press the X and reboot!!  We are still in a pretty good place as far as I can figure.
The new people who moved in for a few days have pretty well keep to themselves.  When they walk by and you say good morning they just keep on walking.  I should go find out where they are from!!!  Not very talkative!!  Except for one guy to whom I said  "Its a beautiful morning isn't it?"  I knew I had a problem when he responded "Same to you!"  Lol  At least he responded.  None of the guys must be very well endowed because all I ever hear them say is "Wee, wee"!  lol.

Sunday 22 March 2020

Thanks Sergio!

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

Just me and Charlie on the beach.  He sure likes it here because he doesn't have to wear his socks.  The sand is soft and doesn't hurt his feet and I think the salt is good for them.  His pads are actually starting to get hard again like a dogs pads should be.  He runs along exploring and wagging his tail.  It makes me feel good to see him having a good time.   He eats some marginal things on the beach, but oh well, it could be worse.

Saturday 21 March 2020

More of the Same

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

These days there is lots of sitting going on.  We are staying around the Ponderosa more and enjoying sitting with our feet up.  Even the Virus is starting to get old hat and facebook has about run its course on the subject.  I even had time for a siesta today on the deck, and the nice thing is that there is no one around to disturb me.  Can't wish for more than that.

Friday 20 March 2020

Pizza time

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

Today was a do nothing day.  The beach is getting really empty now and apparently will stay like that.  The big Semana Santa which is the equivalent of our Easter is scheduled for April 12 but we are hearing that the celebrations will all be cancelled.  The RV Park where we were staying in normally has 1500 Mexicans come for the week and Carole told us last night that this year they have cancelled it.  Mexico is doing what they have to do to keep themselves safe.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Different ways to Fish

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION?  Head for the USA April 1, 2020

Charlie and I took a walk down to the main fishing boat area near the Malecon.  One of the boats had just come in from fishing and had lots of Dorado on board.  It was interesting to watch them filet them and I asked why they did it in the sand rather than on a table.  The guy told me if you put sand on the fish it makes it easier to hold on to.  That makes sense and I guess the sand gets rinsed off in the ocean before going in their buckets.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

A Day with Friends

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

With the great exodus of Snowbirds happening, things are starting to become quite quiet around here.  To liven things up our friends Steve and Julie posted a picture of something they came across on the road today in Northern Mexico.   You really have to take a second look at this one don't you!!  Lots of people were fooled until you start to think about the logistics of tying down a live elephant and Rhino!!!

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Supper with P & H before they leave

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

I always like to walk on the beach here because there is generally something to see.  Lots of fishermen doing what they do.  Its about a 20 minute round trip to go down and watch the fishermen and come back.  Charlie and I normally do it in the morning.  Then we come back and have our coffee while watching the ocean.

Monday 16 March 2020

Where did they Go?

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

I was sent down town today to stock up on some essentials in case we need them.  We are certainly going to be in good shape if we have to isolate for a few days.  Here was the list Sue sent me!!

Sunday 15 March 2020

Dancing the Night Away

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

Another warm day spent sitting in the shade and swimming in the pool  It is so nice to just jump in and cool off.  The water is about 28C so is quite nice.  In the afternoon, Joel and Louise from the other RV park had invited us to come play washer toss with everyone.  We headed up there about 3 in the afternoon and had a great time with everyone losing at washer toss.

Saturday 14 March 2020

We lost our Cool!!!

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

Well the weather is absolutely gorgeous here right now.  Lots of sun and heat and guess what happens?  Yep the AC/Heater motor goes on the fritz in the car.  I knew it was getting bad because it would grind sometimes but I am not one to spend money on a new one until the old one is absolutely no good.  Well the time has come!!

Friday 13 March 2020

The Corona Plan

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

Today is a little journal entry on our plans for action regarding the Corona Virus.  You may or may not agree with anything I say but hey, there is a like and dislike button on the bottom and a scroll bar on the side!!!

Maybe because of our decisions, our kids will have this to look back on to see where we went wrong.  I would hope things never get that bad and we hope that our 60 years of making mostly good decisions will continue in this case.   I caution you that this is my rendition of our actions and Sue is somewhat different in her thoughts sometimes, but she also respects my judgement in a lot of things and I think we are on the same page right now.  I do agree with how Canada and the US are handling this right now by keeping people separated to slow down the spread and shutting off the pipeline of travellers from high risk countries.  Even coastal Mexico is starting to tighten things up, but remember this is tourist country and they will risk a little more to get those tourist dollars.  The real threat in my mind is not so much the virus killing people, but rather the amount of people who could have it at the same time.  I do feel sorry for our health care providers who will be overworked and will be asked to put themselves and their families in harms way for us.  We need to stop the spread as quickly as possible and the way to do it is stay put.

Thursday 12 March 2020

Look up!!

WHERE ARE WE? Romantic Escapes RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico
NEXT DESTINATION? Guadalajara, Mexico April 1, 2020

Most of our day today was spent by the ocean or in the pool.  Sergio was busy cleaning it all up for us.  He keeps it just sparkling clean. I got a picture of him just as a guy in an ultra light flew over.  I'm not sure where he lands and takes off but he flies along the beach almost every day.