Friday 30 June 2023

Babysitting is Quite Ok!

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Susan was off to Winnipeg today to do a check on her knee.  The one she got done last year is fine but now its time for the other one.  It's a long process but it has to start some time.  She of course stopped by Costco and sent me a picture of a speaker which is not quite what I want.

I got to stay home and man the fort.  Part of that involved looking after Grace for the day.  She loves to go for wood runs if there are no friends to play with.  She had fun sitting in one of the totes as we went around the campground.

Any day spent with family is a good day and today was a great one with Grace.  Love it!!! Good Nite!

Thursday 29 June 2023

And They Flew Away!!

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Some short and sweet catch up posts.  We have been really busy and I'm just too tired to post.  So here is what we have been doing.  Today the 3 Eastern Phoebe's chicks flew the coop.  I kinda scared them out of the nest and they flew up and sat on some wires and on the edge of the patio for a while before heading for the woods.  Nice to see them go.  I had placed a paper plate around the nest so they wouldn't poop on our customers.

this looks like mexican wiring doesn't it??

In the afternoon we headed up to Hamiota to have lunch with Sheri.  She has a liquor license so has to stock lots of giggle juice.  She has just moved a big cooler into her kitchen to keep it all in.

Her cook showed off a double Bacon Cheeseburger and I always wonder how big your mouth needs to be to eat one.

I settled for a bowl of her homemade soup and went home satisfied for today.  It was a nice little visit and we don't get time to do this enough.  We are proud of the job she is doing running this restaurant. Good Nite!!!

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Another Day in the Life

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

I took the old Jeep for a run today.  I'm wondering now if maybe we should just run it while we are home, just for the town runs.  We are going on a search for a new vehicle but it might take a while to find the right one.

The next item on the list is to order ice cream.  We always have to do our orders on Wednesday and my thing is the ice cream.  Looks like a big order this week.  What's your favourite flavour?

Did a few other chores in the afternoon and that was about it.  We had the Varsity Junior girls Rugby team down for supper and ice cream.  We always like to host our local sports teams.  Congratulations on being finalists this year.   That was about it for today.  I'm off to bed because its an early morning tomorrow.  The delivery truck will be here at 6:30 am.  Good Nite!!!

Tuesday 27 June 2023

I Smell Something Funny

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Lots of noise in the sky last night but Archie was very quiet even though the thunder sometimes roared.  I checked the rain gauge this morning and it looks like an inch and four tenths.

Our little birds were all chirpy this morning because they were high and dry all night.  They are now sitting up on the edge of the nest and mama is sitting close by calling them to try flying.

Sheri texted me this afternoon from her place in Hamiota.  She has a problem with someone trying to nest in her garbage can!!!  Whew!!!!  Apparently he didn't spray and the golf maintenance guys took him away.  Hope he had a good trip!!! lol

I happened by the kitchen just when Taylor was finishing up 3 of our Patty Melts.  My goodness they look good don't they.  Anyone who has one says they are the best they ever had.  I have never had one so maybe thats what is for supper tonight!

I still wonder if we did the right thing buying Percy.   Maybe we should have gone for something like this.  I love the view from the master bedroom.  We might have trouble with wires in Mexico though.  Dream on!!!  Good Nite!!

Monday 26 June 2023

More Rain Today

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

I went to scrub out my coffee pot this morning at the back yucky sink.  I noticed a green thing on there.  We do have green frog candies that we put on kids ice cream cones so I figured that was what it was.  But why was it there??  This is what our candy frogs look like.

This is what was on the sink.

A little closer inspection revealed that it was actually a frog.  How he got in here was amazing and then how he managed to hop his way up to the sink is beyond me.  I had to relocate him to the great outdoors.  Kenia would love this little guy. Frog in Spanish is Rana.  

Lunch time saw a group of seniors from the personal care home join us for lunch.  The day was perfect temperature and they said this was the first time out for lunch since before Covid!!

An update on the little birds in the nest above our order window.  They are growing fast and it won't be long before they are off and flying.

Susan and I headed into Brandon to get some things in the late afternoon.  It was a nice sunny day when we left but by the time we were getting the last of our things I got an alert on my phone.  Yes we are in tornado season and get an alert every time a whispy little cloud comes over.  We went out for supper and as we sat there looking out the window the sky just got blacker and blacker.  

It didn't deter us from enjoying our supper.  It was good to the last drop of gravy.  My mother passed away so I don't feel obligated to eat all my vegetables anymore.  Sorry mom!!!

Things got progressively worse as we headed north and then west right into the storm.  Lots of rain and a bit of hail made for an interesting drive.  But we made it.

And then it was over.  Lots of water laying around.

One thing I did notice was that there was a field of canola that was in flower already.  My summer is slipping away.  Good Nite!

Sunday 25 June 2023

Grace's Birthday Party

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Yesterday was our grand daughters birthday and today Kaitlyn had a little get together down at Cj's.  Nicole and the kids came as well and they all had fun playing together.   They are all getting older and more fun to watch.  

One of the things they all enjoy is going on a wood run.  Every day in the early evening I tour the campground to see if people want wood.  Today there were not many campers so we didn't sell much wood.  We just made a bunch of kids happy.

After supper everyone left and Reg and Linda dropped by to drop off the big BBQ that we are going to cook the pigs on for the Hootenany in 2 weeks.  We are going to cook 3 halves of pig on that thing.  It is a fundraiser for Friends of Rivers Lake to enable them to do some lake cleanup.  The whole Hootenany will be a lot of fun.

So if your anywhere near Rivers Provincial Park on July 8, come enjoy an evening of good food and lively music.  Weez havin a Hootenany!!!  Good Nite!!

Saturday 24 June 2023

Time Marches On

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Wow, it is Saturday again.  This is the 6th Saturday since we opened and the 6th "Music in the Park"!!!  Time is flying so fast.  We had a great evening for the music and a good turnout.  Dave, Terry, Jen and Laurie entertained us for a couple hours.  It is something I look forward to every week.

I took a drive up top after the music and this was the sunset tonight.  We don't see many from where the shack is down low by the water.

A little snicker before bed.  Good Nite!!

Friday 23 June 2023

We Celebrated our Graduates Today!!

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Today was Grad Day in Rivers.  We did remain open at the shack all day, however we slipped away for the grad parade and some pictures.  

A couple of pictures as we waited on the corner for the parade to pass by.  Notice the sign and the face!!!

My parade pictures were a total flop but here they are.  The parade is a nice way to get to see the grads for all the towns people.  It started in Covid year and has continued.  




We wanted some pictures with the Cj's Grads so we headed down to the rink.  They all looked great in their grad dresses.  We have 2 grads that currently work for us at Cj's Snack Shack.  



Sheri also celebrates with 2 more Grads who worked with her at Cj's on Ice all winter.  Because we were in Mexico we didn't have any interaction with them but they were close with Sheri.



Once again, after work, Jim and Marilyn had the fire roaring for us to enjoy.  Thank you so much.   Good Nite!!!