Sunday, 10 May 2020

Another Week in the Life!!

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers, Manitoba, Canada
NEXT DESTINATION? South in the Fall

Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful moms of the world. 

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Spring is Coming

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers, Manitoba, Canada
NEXT DESTINATION? South in the Fall

Here is an update for the week.  We are still in COVID jail for 4 more days.  Time has actually gone by quite quickly because we have been keeping busy.  There is lots to do to get some things done in CJ's before we open.  We have decided that we will open on May 15th which is the beginning of the May long weekend.  The park opens on May 8th but we figure we will give everyone a chance to figure out what is going to happen slowly before we throw Ice Cream and Hamburgers into the mix!!!
Kaitlyn and Greg have been busy bringing us supplies and the pickup and delivery windows of the Jeep have worked fantastic. Whether it is necessary or not is not an issue here, it just gives everyone a good feeling to have a little barrier!!   A little rainy the day she dropped off these supplies.