Sunday 23 June 2024

A Golf Tournament Today

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

I was up and at it around 8 am this morning.  I am heading for Hamiota to participate in a best ball golf tournament with Sheri.  This will be interesting because I haven't golfed for probably 20 years.  They say it is like riding a bike.  You never forget.  We will see.  First thing was a waffle breakfast at the Cj's on the Links.  She had a waffle bar which was really good.  

Then we got our stuff together ready for the shotgun start.  Sheri seemed concerned that we would lose lots of balls.  Actually I did lose 2 and she lost 1. 

We all met in the parking lot ready for the start. 

Here we go!!

We even had coloured balls so we could find them.  We actually never hit them far enough to lose sight of them.

One of our employees, Taylor was running the beer cart for Sheri today. We saw her lots as we golfed!!!  She did get a bit sunburned.

We waited with baited breath for the prizes.  

What??  We didn't win?  We had a good solid 24 over par??

While I was gone today, there was a birthday party going on for Grace.  9 years old!!   It was all over when I got home.   Its been a great day.  So I watched TV and went to bed.  Good Nite!!


  1. ? How do u both have the same score?

  2. Happy Birthday Grace.
    Congrats to you and Sheri. You were winners 🏆 in your own eyes, right?


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