Saturday 1 June 2024

We Went to a Wedding Social

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

We headed in to Brandon this morning to attend the Touch a Truck event in the Keystone grounds.  It is a big event where kids can go and climb all over army trucks, combines, busses and basically everything big.  They have it every year and we got to take Max this year. 

Of course because his mom works for ATS, he got to hold the sign and wear the hat.

Meanwhile, back at Cj's, the girls came up with a creation as a special. It is amazing and everyone wants one.  Good work girls.

Today is our first "Music in the Park"!  Aron Frost joined us to play some music and sing a few songs.  We had a small but enthusiastic crowd tonight.  

Sue and I had to leave the music early because we went out for supper with our daughter Kaitlyn and her friend Justin.  After supper we all went to a social for Pat and Harolds daughter Julie.  She gets married in a month or so.  This is the first social we have been to in a long time.  Anyway, Kaitlyn got a sunburn while working at the Touch a Truck event.  It was a fun evening. We made it home about 1 am!!!   Good Nite!!

1 comment:

  1. Late night for you older folk, heh heh, just kidding. I hour you were able to sleep in on Sunday!


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