Saturday 15 June 2024

David and Jane Come to Visit

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

My favourite job around here is to drive around the park selling firewood.  I enjoy meeting all the people and chatting with people about where they come from and what they do.  Sometimes it takes me a long time to make one round in the park.

And look who I found today.  Last winter in Mexico we had David and Jane spend some time in the some RV park as us.  We got to know them while they were there and then we went our separate ways.  They have been in BC and now are travelling to Ontario.  They decided to stop off in our park and spend the evening with us.  Our nomadic lifestyle allows us to have friends from all over the country and we love meeting up with them every once in a while.  Great to see you guys!!

Well it is Saturday night again and time for "Music in the Park".   Tonight we have Murray and his son Jesse, along with a friend of theirs, Rodney who was on percussion.  They gave us a nice evening of music once again.  We had a nice little crowd of about 65 people who enjoyed it all.

What a great day we had today.  This was what we got later in the evening.  Some wild weather to the south of us.  Sue got a couple good pictures.  Good Nite!!

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