Thursday 20 June 2024

I Hate Early Mornings

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

And because yesterday was order day, today is delivery day.  The silly old alarm went off at 6:15 and I fell out and hit the floor dragging my behind.  Have I told you how much I hate Thursdays and being up at this ungodly hour.  I think I even woke the birds up today!!!  Sometimes, to make room for the pails of ice cream in the freezer, I clean out some of the almost empty pails and place it in small plastic containers.  This frees up room for another pail in the freezer.  Today I cleaned out 4 pails so that will help when I receive 17 pails today. 

And then the truck came down the hill and pulled up to the door.

We didn't have a big order today, other than the ice cream so it didn't take me long to put it all away and crawl back in bed.  I was snoring again before 8 am!!!

I left the empty boxes for the girls to deal with when they arrive for work this afternoon.  This is the employee entrance, so they will know that they need to be dealt with right away, because they can't get past them!!!  Pretty sneaky, huh??  I'm kinda a nasty boss.

I mentioned a while ago that one of our summer jobs is working with Manitoba Housing here in town.  Today I went to an empty lot that we have to mow and trimmed a tree because it was hard to mow around.  This will make it much easier to deal with.

That was all I did today.  I went home and spun the work dial and this is where it landed, so I had no other choice.  Good Nite!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is early for deliveries but us early birds wouldn't mind it as much as you. 😁 once a week? Could be worse!! Haha


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