Wednesday 5 June 2024

Laundry Day Today

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

This morning my job was to do laundry so I headed into town around 11.  Now it was sad to see that our local laundry mat has gone downhill.  It must be tough to make a dollar in that business because they never seem to survive.  I hope ours sticks around because it is handy to have.  My friend Patsy would jump off a cliff if her laundry mat looked like this.  Oh well, I got the job done.  

After lunch I went up to the woodpile and Archie followed.  He loves to chase gophers and this one is really on his nerves.  He almost disappeared in the hole and the sad thing was that he never got the gopher.

Nothing else to report today so here is a little thing that made me smirk today.  Good Nite!!

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right ... Patsy needs to pay that place a visit!!


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