Friday 14 June 2024

Candy for Breakfast? Of Course

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

We were up in good time again today because the grandkids had stayed over and we had to get Grace off to school.  Then when I got back home, Max was up and I had to get him something to eat.  He followed me to the shack and found something to eat on his own.  Bet his mom wouldn't approve, but he was happy. Those gummies that we put on top of our kids cones are sooooo yummy!!

I noticed that there was some action in the birds nest above the door.  They are all sitting on each other and fluttering their wings.

Then the front one just kinda fell off the nest and flew and landed on the fence.  I think they are ready to fly the coop.

Next thing we saw was the bunny rabbit that Archie barks at every morning.  He wasn't wasting any time getting to the bush.

My first project of the day was to help the girls with changing fryer oil.  They got the drain pipe all clogged up so called me in to fix it.  It was a little messy when it finally let go and thank goodness for Zorball which mopped up the mess.  

After lunch I had Winston come in to do some things.  He usually cuts all the grass outside the golf course with the riding mower.  Then I put him to work cleaning the greens on the golf course.  It is a tedious job and he did it for an hour or so.  Max stuck with him the whole time.

Sheri texted me that she wants my wheelbarrow at her house to move some gravel, so I loaded it up on the Jeep and took it into town.  Not exactly how you might think I would load it up, but it worked.

The girls got busy doing some cooking and ice cream and we had a nice steady day of food.  We are finally getting some summer weather and people are beginning to camp.  I think the weekend will be busy.

Shelly sent me an updated calendar of music for the summer.  We are slowly filling in the slots and this Saturday should be a good one.  If you want to check out the music go to Cj's Snack Shack on Facebook and listen to some of the musicians.  We will post again tomorrow.  That's it for tonight though.  Good Nite!!


  1. Busy busy, things are coming together. As for the wheelbarrow, I would expect no less from you!!

  2. Candy for breakfast? I've done cookies for dinner.


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