Wednesday 12 June 2024

A Look inside a Tornado

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Today we had big storms in our area.  After lunch we had a big black one come at us.  It went by Hamiota first where Sheri was working at Cj's on the Links.  She headed over to the hockey rink to take cover.  I was not as wise and Max and I headed up the hill to see what was going on.  Yup its bad and then we spotted a big rotation.  It was moving parallel to our position so we parked to watch.  Within 30 seconds it switched direction and came right over us.  I don't think it actually touched down, but I got to look up into the center of it as it swirled at dizzying speed.  It took the tarp on the truck and lifted it straight up in the air and back down and then ripped the 6 foot 1x4 off and the last I saw it, it was heading up in the air.  The wind was violent for about 45 seconds and it pushed the truck down the road about 100 feet.  Poor Max looked at me and said "Grampa, I'm scared!"  Yup I bet he was and even I thought to myself that my nosiness may have got us to a place I didn't want to be.  As quick as it started, it was over.

It was moving left to right

Then it turned and came over my head.  No funnel but major rotation.

Lots of debris on the road just in front of the truck.  It did thin out the dead trees. lol

It did touch down for sure a couple miles from us and destroyed a shed.  Why would anyone go to the basement when you can see stuff like this up close???  In the evening there was another crazy cloud formation but we didn't hear of anything happening from it except rain.

And then it treated us to the biggest double rainbow ever.  Quite a day.  Good Nite!!

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