Tuesday 4 June 2024

Flowers always Brighten a Day

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Because it is still early in the camping season, not many campers are in the park during the week.  School is still in and holiday season has not started yet so we don't open Cj's until 4 in the afternoon.  Even then, not much happens and we are only open as a convenience more than anything.  Todays highlight was the arrival of our flowers for the golf course, from our friends Travis and Kendra, who own Walker's Greenhouse.  They do up our flower pots each year and we look forward to what arrays of flowers they come up with.  They showed up after supper with a trailer full of plants.

Lots and lots of flowers, but when they get spread out on the course, it doesn't seem like so many.  We will place them tomorrow probably.  For now we just unloaded them.

Walkers sponsor a golf hole on the course as well and they will have flowers adorning it as well.  It looks like we need to get out the paint as well.  Thanks guys, it will look great.

Dani and Sheri visited and Dani showed off her new camp chair.  Good thing they made that clear because I never would have known what to do with a chair.

As it does every night, the sun set in the west behind the trees signaling the end to another great day.  Because my camera lens was dirty, it made for some weird reflections and things.  Hope you had a great one!!  Good Nite!!

1 comment:

  1. I brought home just 4 baskets of flowers, the trunk was filled with them and on the Ridge it looks like I should have a truckload more!!


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