Monday 3 June 2024

A New Windshield for the Ponderosa

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

I was up early this morning because I had to deliver the Ponderosa to Brandon to get a new windshield.  Yes we still have her.  Maybe sell her this summer. The old windshields have numerous cracks and smashes and if we are ever to sell it, we need a good windshield to safety it.  I was on the road about 7:30 on this foggy morning.  Can you see the road map on my windshield?

I arrived at Redcoat Auto Glass in Brandon before 8 so no one was there yet.  I just parked it at #3 and Sheri picked me up in her car.

Sheri had needed to visit a walk in to get a prescription she has renewed.  This Dr. is fast and still thorough so makes seeing a doctor a breeze.  We were there before he opened and within 15 minutes Sheri was out and we were on our way.  This place sure takes the pressure off of the emergency rooms when it comes to treating the common cold or little cuts and scrapes.  

We picked up a few things in Brandon and then Sheri had to head to Hamiota to run her restaurant, Cj's on the Links.   She dropped me off at home on her way by.  Back at our Cj's, they were experimenting with some yummy treats.  Grace had some sort of ice cream pizza thingy.  Pretty messy I would say.

About 2 pm, Adam from Redcoat phoned to say the motorhome had a new windshield and was ready for pickup.  Sue and I headed in to pick it up.  We had to make a stop on the way for some supplies for Cj's.  This store makes me feel like a kid in a candy store!  Wait!  It is a candy store!!!  But I am no kid.  It's called Bulk Barn and they have every candy known to man.

Back to the shop to pick up the Ponderosa.  It is sure nice to have a sparkly new windshield.  Hopefully it stays that way for a while.

Back to the park and we got it all parked up in the parking lot for now.  I think maybe the kids will use it a bit for camping in shortly.  

I took a little walk down by the lake.  We have been having lots of rain lately and the sand is all wet on the beach.  It is not that warm either but it is still spring in Manitoba.  It is so neat to be able to watch the geese out with their young ones.  They have so much to learn in a short period of time.  These guys are sure growing fast.  Good Nite!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure it felt a bit weird driving the Ponderosa again. Weird but with good memories.


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