Thursday 6 June 2024

Supply Day Again Today

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

We are sneaking up on the weekend again so we had to go to Brandon for some supplies.  Generally we like to go on Thursdays so today was the obvious day.  We stopped at Superstore for potatoes, pop and other supplies. 

We got enough stuff to fill up the back of the Jeep.  Off to home we went.

When we got home, Sue had a job for me.  We are going to set up a decorative thingy in the golf course, and of course the spot Sue wants to use is right where there is a tree.  Well what to do??  Yup move the tree!!  

So I got a chain and hooked it around the bottom.  Then I brought in the trusty old Jeep.  

Low 4 wheel and poof.....out it came. 

So I just kept it hooked up and took it up the hill to the tree pile.  

Well I always seem to have some sort of a project to do around here and today was no different.  People ask why I don't retire completely and I am convinced that without all these things going on, I would just sit down and that might be the end of me!!  I don't need much to keep me busy any more, but I do enjoy what I do.  I am busy trying to figure out what is next and I came up with this idea.  What do you think???  Good Nite!!!


  1. Oh oh oh. Please keep very busy where you are so that you don't have time for the car wash.

  2. The last picture is a Hoot !

  3. Are you and Bill related? This thing with putting a chain around trees and pulling them out with your vehicle!!!!🤣
    Like Elva says, stay away from the car wash idea, please!


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