Sunday 16 June 2024

Fathers Day Supper

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

We had a little bit of wind from the storm last night.  A tree branch fell on the wood truck and smashed the windshield.  Now another windshield to replace.  

Also a few trees down around the park.  Some of the campers moved it out of the way to be dealt with tomorrow.

I got Fathers Day wishes from all my kids today which is always nice.  Sheri is having a fathers day roast beast supper at Cj's so Sue and I went to Hamiota to partake with her.  It was nice to spend some time with her and the supper was great.  Dani and Landon's girlfriend were our servers and they did a great job.  I hate that I always forget to take a picture of the actual supper.  Oh well you have to take my word for it.  Thanks guys!!!

Well that made for a great day again.  I got to watch a little bit of sunset tonight through my broken windshield while taking Archie for a run.  Good Nite!

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