Sunday 9 June 2024

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Another lazy day in camp.  We had the kids for the morning and most of the afternoon.  It was a bit cool outside so they were happy watching Sponge Bob.  If you have kids or grandkids, you will be singing that song in your head.  

Because it was cool there were not as many customers as we would expect on a Sunday evening.  So there was some POS training going on.  We are always finding something on the program that makes our reporting better and also makes taking an order easier.  We offer online ordering as well which has its own special set of challenges.

Jill is determined to make Churro's for Cj's.  Churro mix is tricky but she is determined to try it.  I just said, "fill your boots!"  

Because thinks are slow here tonight I decided to head for the ball game in town. By evening the sun came out and it was a nice night for baseball. The Comets won again.  They have only lost one game this year.  Everything was quiet when I got home so I called it a day.  Good Nite!!!

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