Friday 9 June 2023

All About Water

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

We had a nice little airshow on the lake in front of the shack today.  Well at least we got to watch a float plane doing some training by doing touch and go's.  Although I had a pilots license for a lot of years, I never tried flying on floats.  I always thought it just added one more risk to flying.  If I ever had to make a bad landing and got to walk away from it, the last thing I wanted to do was end up in the water and drown!!!  But it is pretty to watch as the floats touch down on the water and then again as the plane lumbers and roars to to get off the water again.  Oh by the way you ask why I no longer fly???  When you have a heart attack, they strip you of your pilots license before you wake up from it!!!!  In my case I have enough heart damage that I could never get it back.  

The other task I had today was to make sure all the boats were drained and cleaned up.  We rent kayaks and paddle boats but the paddle boats are a high maintenance item so I would like to get out of that business.

I stuck my head in the shack tonight just long enough to take a quick picture of the grill and the orders on the order board above it.  I should do a blog on the complete workings of our kitchen one day.  Remind me!!!  That's all we did today.  Good Nite!!!

1 comment:

  1. It would be fun to watch the float planes. We liked our paddle boat while we had it but our pond is too weedy. Yes, they would be a lot of maintenance and they're darn heavy!
    Burgers look good! (ps, this is your reminder) haha


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