Tuesday 27 June 2023

I Smell Something Funny

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Lots of noise in the sky last night but Archie was very quiet even though the thunder sometimes roared.  I checked the rain gauge this morning and it looks like an inch and four tenths.

Our little birds were all chirpy this morning because they were high and dry all night.  They are now sitting up on the edge of the nest and mama is sitting close by calling them to try flying.

Sheri texted me this afternoon from her place in Hamiota.  She has a problem with someone trying to nest in her garbage can!!!  Whew!!!!  Apparently he didn't spray and the golf maintenance guys took him away.  Hope he had a good trip!!! lol

I happened by the kitchen just when Taylor was finishing up 3 of our Patty Melts.  My goodness they look good don't they.  Anyone who has one says they are the best they ever had.  I have never had one so maybe thats what is for supper tonight!

I still wonder if we did the right thing buying Percy.   Maybe we should have gone for something like this.  I love the view from the master bedroom.  We might have trouble with wires in Mexico though.  Dream on!!!  Good Nite!!

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