Monday 30 October 2017

Moving on to Texas

When we woke up this morning near Denver, the thermometer was not nice to us.  It said -5C.  We knew it was time to head farther south.  We got off to an early start and spent most of the day driving across Colorado, then and hour across the Oklahoma panhandle, and into Texas.

Charlie by now is getting a little sick of the cold weather and between naps on the couch keeps looking at us as if to say "When will it be warm?"

The cotton is almost ready to be harvested and in fact we did see one field being processed but neither Sue or I could get to our cameras in time to take a picture of the harvesting.  Here is a field that is ready to go.

Sue found a little campground in Dumas TX for us.  It is free for a one night stay and includes 50 amp service and a dump station.  Some of the little towns down here know how to treat travelers right.  Thank you Dumas.

Because it was dark when we got there, I didn't get a window picture tonight.

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