Sunday 28 October 2018

Good News and Bad News

So what do you want to hear first?  The good news or the bad news.  How many times have you heard that?  Well I'm going to give you the bad news first!!  Remember our friends Pat and Harold tat travelled with us last year and who got the new to them Alfa Motorhome last spring?

Well when they had it parked for the summer at their shop, they had a problem with the levelling jacks on their motor home and somehow it started a fire.  Lucky they were not living in it at the time, but Harold was in it and stepped outside and saw the fire.  The fire department responded within 5 minutes but this is what it looked like when they got the fire out.

This scared the heck out of us, because it swept through the motor home very quickly, and if someone had of been at the back, they would have had seconds to escape.  After looking inside it became evident that there was extreme heat and smoke near the roof.  Everything up top melted and burned but the carpet didn't even get singed.  This is a good lesson to make sure you have an escape plan, and if you are going to move from back to front, you have to stay very low.  Very scary.  In these pictures you can see how things just melted.

The good news of this story was that no one was hurt and they do have insurance and have since purchased another Motor home and will be travelling with us again this year.  Will show you some pictures when we hit the road.

Another good news thing that happened in our lives was when our oldest daughter Sheri and her boyfriend Gord announced their engagement and that they will be married next summer. We are very pleased with her choice and are so glad to see her dreams of a wedding coming true.

 And on October 3rd our daughter Kaitlyn and her husband Greg had a baby boy.  His name is Max and he was quite long and weighed a fair bit.  Grace was happy to have a baby brother, but I'm not sure how long that happiness lasts when he gets to crawling and messing up her things.

Well that's about it for the catch up blogs.  I am happy to report that I still use the water bladder that I bought last spring and have been hauling water to the Ponderosa since the park shut the water off down here for the winter.  Some things are just a good investment, and that is one of them.

I guess I should give you another look out our window.  We are enjoying the peace and quiet of having the whole park to ourselves.


  1. Wowsa! We're so glad Pat and Harold were not hurt and that they were well covered. Happy to hear the good news at the end of THAT story.
    Congrats on the engagement, love the shopping pix, they look thrilled!! hahaha
    Congrats on baby Max too. :)

  2. Rv fires are brutal have seen few and so glad that no one was injured. The water bladder is a good investment glad you get good use of it.

    1. This is the first time I have ever looked inside a burned RV. It is very scary.

  3. Glad nobody was injured in that fire. Electrical Fires are the ones that are smoldering undetected. the RV Fire Safety Course we took says it can take as little as Twenty-Two seconds for a Fifth Wheel to be totally engulfed. Glad their Insurance Company has replaced their unit.
    Congratulations on the new arrival and expansion of the Family.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. RV fires are just scary. Glad to read the good news, that no one was hurt and they were covered and able to purchase another home on wheels.
    Congratulations on your newest grandbaby, looks like a little cutie.

    Safe travels.


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