Friday 26 October 2018

Wedding and Boat Rentals

Another one of our chances to get away from CJ's was to attend the wedding of our niece and now nephew Jen and Lorne to witness their wedding and have some fun with the family.  It was in Winnipeg so we packed up Donovan and Dani, who were staying with us and off we went.  The wedding was beautiful and grand daughter Gracie thought that Jen was a princess.

The kids had so much fun dancing and eating. 

It was a great time away except that anything that could go wrong at CJ's did.  Our fryer went down and some power went out to freezers and lots of stuff on a really busy day.  Our friends who were looking after it did an awesome job of salvaging the day and most of our customers didn't even know about all their problems.

One of the things we have been exploring for a while is the boat rental business.  We have such an awesome lake for paddling around on.  There are many things along the shore worth exploring and there is a small island not far from the park.  So we talked to our local Recreation Department and they agreed that we need more water activities, however they do not have the resources to manage the boats.  That's where we came up with the idea of a partnership with them.  They have the boats and provide the instructional programs and we manage the boats and rent them out when the Rec Department is not using them.   We already owned 2 paddle boats and a canoe and the Rec Department purchased 5 kayaks.  This was our starting fleet.

We have a nice rack for the kayaks at CJ's and do our rentals out of our shack.  We didn't get started until after the beginning of August, but saw a lot of interest in using them even though it was late in the season.

We will get a good advertising program in place over the winter and will be ready to hit the water paddling in May!!

Like I said earlier, we had a great time with our kids and grand kids over the summer.  Sheri and her fiancĂ© Gord, from Alberta spent some time with us which was a treat.  Sheri also came back later in the summer to get Donovan and Dani.

We spent time around bonfires with many of our friends and it was great for all our grand kids to experience this part of camping.

We had the pleasure of meeting the original owners of CJ's and the Mini Golf.  The Wolfe's seemed pleased to see how much fun we are having here.  They had a lot of fun designing and building the golf course and shack.

One of the things that we enjoy here in the summer that is similar to Arizona in the winter, are the spectacular sunsets.  I love what it does to all the whispy clouds.

August is always the month when we realize that our summers work is almost over, but we also realize how bone tired we are.  12 hours a day, 7 days a week is a lot of hours to put in even if it is only for 3 months.  But we are happy with what we do, so we will keep doing it for a while yet.


  1. While it sounds like a lot of work it also looks like a great place to spend your summers :-) Now you can head south and relax!

  2. Looks like a lovely wedding. I love the seriousness of the 4th picture. :)
    Good luck with the paddle business, you have picked up on a great idea by the sounds of it.

  3. When all you guys come to visit we will give you a free boat rental!!!!


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