Monday 10 June 2024

I Got a Chill in my Bones

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Today broke dreary and cool again.  We are getting sick of the weather and want it to change.  The forecast looks good now so if we can ride out today, we should be fine. Once again we had Max here for the day and Max and Mom joined later. 

One of our former employees who took a year off, came back to help us out some this summer.  We have a lot of new product so Taylor showed her how to make them.  Then they had about 8 tasty dessert treats in front of them with no one to eat them.  I told them to call their friends.

About all the food they cooked was a poutine for Sue.  It's kinda nice having our own chefs to cook for us.  It looks yummy!!

I think Archie says it all about what kind of day it was.  Good Nite!!!


  1. I totally agree! we are having a really nice day up here today mid-60s and the Sun is shining, so I think we're on the upper Trend once more.

    1. I was reading your blog earlier on my phone but now on my laptop, I have a full view in Archie's picture, what kind of day it was! ♥ Poor Archie!

  2. Ditto Patsy about Archie's


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