WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba
Friday is our get ready for the weekend day. Mow the grass, blow off the golf course, sweep all the cobwebs off everything. The spiders have been working overtime this spring and they have webs everywhere. We have had lots of rain and our ice freezer is outside where the rain pours down on it. Today I decided to move it under cover because every time it rains, the seal leaks and the rain gets inside and freezes and makes a big mess. So it will be nice not to have to deal with that problem anymore.
moved under the roof |
had to unload the freezer |
ice all chipped out |
Finished |
I spent a bit of time hanging out with our friends Jim and Marilyn and a lady from Wisconsin by the name of Hope. Lots of stories told around a fire.
We open at 4 on Fridays and Mia showed up for work straight from school. School is almost over and there is lots of Tom foolery going on, and she was part of it today. Someone decided to adorn her face with some colour. It actually looked quite good and she kept it on the whole shift.
Once we got organized in the shack, I got the kids to help me set up the kayaks. I had gone and got them from storage earlier today.
We had to move the kayak rack into place and put the kayaks on it. We are ready to rent them out again for another year.
Delivered |
All ready for action |
pretty good prices!! |
Another of the things I do is to offer seasonal campers a great deal of a woodbox that I keep full of dry firewood for the summer. For $50 I supply them with a deck box full of firewood. They get to keep the box for the summer and I come by mid week and fill it up with dry wood for $10 a tote. They like it because when they arrive on Friday night, they have enough firewood to last them all weekend. They just come to the shack and pay the bill!!!
Another good day at the lake. Sue and I enjoyed some down time and some TV with a cookie snack to end the day. Archie even got a couple bites. How could he not, with eyes like that. Good Nite!!!
Caption for the last photo: I like cookies.