Wednesday 18 September 2024

My IDC checked out Fine

WHERE ARE WE? Near Woodridge Manitoba

We got to sleep in this morning because we were only about a half hour from the St. Boniface hospital, so I got some breakfast at Denny's but Sue didn't want any.  We decided to move the motorhome into the city because that is the direction we will head later today.  I went to my ICD checkup for 1 pm appointment. This appointment is not to check me out, but rather to check out the device.  They check how much battery life is left and make sure the wires into my heart are working.  They speed up and slow down my heart just to check it and it feels quite weird.  All was good and I have between 5 and 8 years left before I will need another battery change.  

After the appointment, we met my cousins, Kenn and Babe for lunch.  We do not see them often, so it was good to catch up.  

We are going to spend a couple days at Karalee's place before heading south so we headed east of Winnipeg.  We stopped at Walmart in Steinbach to get a few things.  A couple pairs of cheap sandals, some BO remover and a few groceries which hardly covered the bottom of the cart. 

 Guess how much??  Crazy.  It's just hard to figure out how people can survive with prices the way they are.

We arrived at Karalee's about 6 pm and got all set up.  We will be here until Saturday.  

We spent the evening chatting with Karalee.  She is taking a couple days off to hang with us so that will be nice.

This was our route today.  Good Nite!!

Tuesday 17 September 2024

We are off on Another Adventure!

WHERE ARE WE? Winnipeg, Manitoba

We have been working like crazy to get the shack put to bed for the winter.  We generally hang around for a month or so after closing and take our time doing all the chores, but this year we decided to head out a bit earlier.  We have done it all in 8 1/2 days!!!  Our Cj's girls were a big help doing all the cleaning and sorting of the stuff in the shack.  Emily, Jorga, Jill and mainly Mia worked hard to get it done.  My job was all the outside stuff like putting the boats, trucks, and the yellow jeep away.  Lots of water draining and antifreeze pouring as well.  But we got it done and today is the day to hit the road.

You may notice that we have a new Jeep this year.  We bought a 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited about a month ago, and I had to scramble to get a hitch on it.  I bought a new base plate from amazon for about $500 and found a good used Blue Ox for another $450, so for under a thousand dollars, I got me a hitch.  It was fairly simple to install and pulled wonderful today.  

Oh yes and the Jeep came with 80,000 kms on it for a good price so we had to grab it.  We had been looking for quite a while and our criteria was a 2020 or newer towable SUV that gets amazing gas mileage and has all the bells and whistles on it.  This will probably be my last vehicle so that was my wish.  Well this one is a 2014 and is as plain jane as all get out, and gets rather lousy gas mileage to boot.  It's amazing how my standards drop over a few thousand dollars!!!  So far we love it.

It feels so good to be heading down the road again.  There are so many things to see and do.  This year we will be following the Mississippi from its headwaters to somewhere around Memphis, where we will head over to Nashville to check out the Grand Ole Opry, then jump on the Nachez Trace and follow it south ending up in New Orleans.  Then head over to Magnolia Beach for a bit before joining up with friends near Mission TX and heading across Mexico to La Penita where we will spend 5 months or so.  Lots of miles and lots of scenery!!

Tonight we saw a sunset through the rear view mirror and looked out the front and saw a huge full moon rising in the east.  

I have a ICD checkup tomorrow in Winnipeg so we are hunkered down at the Flying J on the West side of the city.

This was our route today.  Good Nite!!