Friday 27 September 2024

A Long Awaited Bucket List Item

WHERE ARE WE? Spring Grove Illinois

We decided to hang around another day and head to Chicago to complete an item on my bucket list from years ago.  Back in the early 70's, my cousin Kenn and his dad, my uncle Cecil visited Chicago and they went up to the observation deck of what was then known as the Sears tower.  I remember my uncle talking so excitedly about the adventure, and my Dad was in awe of their accomplishment.  He mentioned how he would like to go to Chicago one day and go up in the tower.  I know I thought a few times about loading him on an airplane with me and just going there to do that.  But my life was busy and money was tighter, so that never happened.  So today I loaded Dad up in my heart and off we went to complete that request.  I hope he enjoys it.  Archie was staying home and Kyra would check on him once in a while, but he was not pleased that he would not be included.

We headed about 5 miles down the road to a train station, parked the car and bought round trip tickets to Chicago Union Station.  The train was waiting for us when we got there so we were on board in lots of time.

And off we went.  It is an hour and a half trip but we were comfortable in the top floor of our car just watching the scenery.

Our first glimpse of the Chicago skyline was when we were about 15 minutes away.

We arrived at the station on time with growling belly's.  Guess what was the first thing we saw?  Yep, Mickey D's.  A couple eggers and a coffee and we were off.

Up the stairs and out on the street.  There was the water taxi across the bridge but we decided to do the Willis (Sears) tower first.

The tower is just a couple blocks from Union Station so we were off there.

There were not a lot of people there so we got our tickets right away.  Whoa....Is that price right??  I had a tough time pressing the purchase button, but I have waited a long time to do this.  Swish and we had our tickets.  Only like 100 bucks CND.

The ticket did include a nice little history of Chicago and its architecture.  One of the big events in Chicago's history was the Great Chicago Fire.  

After the history lesson we arrived at the elevator.  It was a fast ride to the 103rd floor where the skydeck was.  We got to view the entire city from all sides of the tower.

On one side is something my uncle never got to see.  It is called the ledge and is a ledge made of glass that you walk out on and you can look straight down 1300 ft.  It took me some guts to walk out there but I did it. 

So when we finished that, we headed back down and out on to the street.  We decided to walk to Navy Pier and take the water taxi back.  So off we went.  Some lovely old buildings and old elevated train tracks running over the roads.  

One thing we wanted to see was "The Bean".  It is a huge mirror in the shape of a 3D bean.  It was kind of a neat thing.  

We found a "Snack Shack" and it made us think of Cj's at home and everyone who has worked with us over the years.  We noticed it was closed and wondered if maybe its because they don't have awesome staff like we do!!!  I also had to do my Hulk stance for a picture for the girls. Miss all of you.

We saw some street performers and lots of other interesting little diversions.

We finally made it to Navy Pier.  15000 steps is a lot for us old folks. I know our friends Kevin and Ruth would do this without breaking a sweat!!!  Time for a Chicago Dog and a little relax.

We decided to catch the water taxi home and it was a great decision.  The boat gave us a great view of some pretty awesome architecture.  The skyline in Chicago seems mainly modern, but that is probably because of their size.  The old buildings are tucked around the bases of these giants.  Spectacular.

We arrived back at Union Station just in time to board our train back to Kyra's house.  OMG I was pooped!!!!   That was our day and we thoroughly enjoyed it!!  We will sleep good tonight.  Good Nite!!

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