Sunday 29 September 2024

Friends Make the Miles Worthwhile

WHERE ARE WE? Vandalia, Illinois

We travelled about 150 kms today to get to Vandalia. We have a special reason to travel to Vandalia, but first let me show you the route we took.

We arrived at the campground about 3 pm and got all set up.  It is a pretty little campground right on a lake.  The campsites are on little peninsula's which are shared by about 8 campers.  Because it is off season and week time, we will probably have our little peninsula all to ourselves.  Fingers crossed. 

Oh yes and the best part of our trip here was when Chuck and Angie came to visit!!!  Yup, there is no way in Gods green earth we could travel this part of the country without a little dose of Chuck and Angie.  They are just like we left them, all bubbly and full of smiles, and nothing but good in their hearts.  We are gonna have fun here the next couple days.  Oh and Archie still wants to bite Chucks shoes!!

And I have to mention that Archie loves his dog blanket that Linda made for him.  What a spoiled dog with his own blanket.  Oh yes I got one too!!! Not a dog blanket silly, a nice comfy beach style blanket.  We love them Linda.

That was our day today.  Every day is special when you are with friends.  We had a great time with Kyra and now we will enjoy our time with Chuck and Angie.  Good Nite from the Peninsula!!!

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