Wednesday 16 October 2019

The Last Supper

WHERE ARE WE?           Our Daughters house in Rivers Manitoba Canada   

NEXT DESTINATION?    Somewhere in southern North Dakota or northern South Dakota

Today was a clean up day.  A day to do all those jobs that a procrastinator like myself is forced to do at the last minute.  Store everything away and board up the windows and doors to keep old man winter out.

Then turn all the power off, disconnect the Ponderosa from the umbilical cord and last but not least read the Hydro meter.  So long CJ's until next May.

I had a few things to do in town.  Had to finish up at work and go everything with the boss.  Then I had a Dr appointment to do my medical for my drivers licence.  Of course they only sent me the notice and form yesterday so I had to hustle to get worked in today.  Our clinic is fantastic at fixing those kind of things for us.

We fired up the Ponderosa and headed up the hill to the dump station, then off to Rivers to spend the night in Kaitlyn and Gregs driveway.   Kaitlyn had made me my favorite supper and it was sooooo good.  Thanks so much.  After supper it was picture time  and then off to bed.  Our adventure begins tomorrow around 9 am.  See you tomorrow.


  1. Oh boy, headed south? We are holding off crossing the border until we're sure Aileen is on the mend from her bout of pneumonia.

  2. Bittersweet, isn't it? Packing up looking forward to what's ahead and then in April we feel the opposite as we unpack. :)
    Love the grandchildren's happy faces!

  3. It is with mixed emotions we pull out each year. Excited for what the future will bring and missing family, especially grandchildren, as we pull away.
    Looking forward to hearing about your time in Mexico.
    Beautiful family, what precious smiles on the two little ones.

  4. We have had lots of smiles this summer and were fortunate enough to see all of our grandchildren. We love them all.


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