Thursday 17 October 2024

Made it to Magnolia Beach

WHERE ARE WE? Magnolia Beach, Texas

One more day of travel before a little break.  Here's where we are going.

We saw the weirdest thing this morning as we were traveling.  I said to Sue, Sue I don't think that mower has anybody driving it!!  Well sir I was right.  I have never seen nuttin like that before.  Kinda like one of those rumba vacuums I guess.  It was mowing a pretty big area and mowing around obstacles and everything.  It won't be long and farming will all be done like that.  

Today we drove along the Gulf again for the first part of the day.  The reason is that we want to take the big ferry in Galveston again.  So we headed that way.  Lots of tall stilted houses along here.  

We saw a few ships as we got closer to the ferry.

We got to the ferry just as one was docking so we didn't have a very long wait.  

They loaded us up and we were off.  The ferry takes about 20 minutes to cross the bag so there was time to go up top and check out my solar panels. lol.  The water was quite choppy today and you really get thrown around up top.  If you were prone to seasickness, you would be puking today. 


I loved the speed limit sign as you get off the ferry.  

We had to drive right through downtown Galveston and we saw some of the houses of the rich people who lived in town.  At least that's what I think.

The Bishops Palace

Moody Mansion

A couple other things we saw along the way that were interesting.  First a fishing guy that could be up to his armpits in something!!  Hope he catches a couple.

And there were a few of these Amazon vans around and they twigged my curiosity.  So there was one at the gas station we stopped at so I went and talked to the driver. (I should have asked him about putting parcels by the locker but I didn't)  It is an electric van and the driver loves it.  It is a unibody and looks real sleek.  He says it has lots of power and a charge lasts him all day.  Now I am not a believer in EV's for a lot of applications, but for an in town delivery vehicle, they are maybe the cats behind.  But don't believe they are saving the environment for one minute, cause they definitely are not.  Just my opinion.  

Anyway, here we are in one of our favourite places in the world, Magnolia Beach.  We can listen to the waves and watch the ships go by for a few days.  We have some good friends in these parts too and I imagine, our friend Sue will come wandering down the beach to visit us tomorrow.  we are just gonna chillax for a few days and do a little visiting.  Good Nite!!

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