Saturday 8 April 2023

Winner Dinner Chicken Dinner!!!

WHERE ARE WE? La Penita, Mexico

The crowds are growing as the weekend is upon us.  Although we have not been down to Guayabitos, some of the pictures from there, kinda make me want to stay away. The parties at night are loud and long apparently.  This is not a very big town by the way.  

Back in La Penita things are more realistic with more people but not to the extent of Guayabitos.  In front of our park it is a little busier but not much.

We had planned to go out for a chicken dinner just down the street from us.  It is a neat place where they cook up lots and lots of chicken everyday and it is really tasty.  It is a wood fire so the smoke gives the chicken a great taste.  We ate here once before earlier in the season.

Abuela and the family as well as Kenia joined us for the feast.  We ordered 2 chickens and they bring them to you and then they bring beans and salad and tacos.  You just pick the chicken up with your fingers like in olden times.  It is soooooo good!!!  Only problem is that I wasn't feeling that good.  I must have caught a bug because I was going down fast as you can see by my face.

After our late lunch we headed home and I spent the rest of the day in bed.  I'm not terribly sick to my stomach, but because there is nothing in there, I feel very weak so sleeping is a good thing to do. Sheri and Dani headed down to Kenia's and Dani checked out the inside workings of the Cafecito.  Kenia was super busy tonight and was there until Midnight serving frappes and things.

They managed to catch the sunset on their way down town.  The picture was a photo overflowing with beauty.  Thanks for sharing it.   Good Nite!!!

1 comment:

  1. Feel better soon. Chicken sounds wonderful. Pretty mom and daughter. I’m glad they are having a good time.



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