Saturday, 4 January 2025

Some Come and Some Go

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

For reasons which I haven't got time to explain, the temperature will be at the bottom of each post.  That way you have to read the whole thing to get the temperature.  
We have new residents here in the park.  Monique and Bernard and their dog Mia arrived and have set up in their motorhome.  They will be with us for a while.  Welcome!

It always seems like when we gain one couple we lose another.  Veronica and her family have to go back to work and school so today they had to head for home.  They live in Guadalajara.  We bid them farewell around noon and off they went.  It was fun to have them around and they were great members of our volleyball team.

One thing about having lots of people in the pool is that it gets green quicker.  Today I had to add some clarifier to the pool so that means it will have to be vacuumed tomorrow morning.  That will give me something to do I guess.

We did a few things this evening.  First, Theo, Jeff and I went down to the corner taco stand for supper.  Mmmm they have yummy taco's.  This is Theo's last night here so there are some things he wants tonight.

After that we went downtown and stood in line for some Churro's.  Another of Theo's requests but we were happy to please him.  Nobody turns down a churro.

Then a quick stop at Kenia's for a couple frappe's before heading home to bed.  Good Nite!!

Today's weather

Passing clouds. 26 / 19 °C
Humidity: 71%. Wind: 8 mph  from SW

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Some Landscaping and a Few Games

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Today's weather

Partly sunny. 27 / 19 °C
Humidity: 83%. Wind: 4 mph  from Southwest

Today was Joels day to work and he came about 8 am.  We had lots for him to do today because the front yard by the ocean needs a little clean up.  Jen and Ed are less is better people, and we totally agree with them.  They have big plans for the front area and they don't include a lot of trees and bushes. So he got busy with a shovel and pick axe and the occasional swipe with the machete.

He loaded everything up in a barrel and off it went.  Good ridance.

Not much left in the front beach area except a couple pretty ladies.

This afternoon we all jumped in the pool, well we kinda edged our way in because it was 79C.  That's cold for us.  We had a good turn out for flyball with 5 on a side.  We sure have a lot of fun playing.  

Once we got done with the flyball, Jeff and Fany talked about going up to the big park to play "Beer can races".   So we loaded up and headed up there.  We were a bit late because I thought it started at 4:30, but it was actually a 4 o'clock start.  Oh well, that means I lost less pesos!!!  They shake 4 dice and the cans race up and down the track based on what number can is rolled on the dice. They keep shaking until one wins.  That can pays everyone who bet on it.  Fany and Theo were the big winners!

You pick your can numbers.  5 pesos a bet. My bets were lousy

Karol drops the dice through a sewer hose and calls out the numbers

6 brightly decorated beer cans are moved up an down the track.

There was quite a few people there today so the winners paid quite well.

One of my loyal followers asked me today if we could see Venus and the moon around sunset.  They had observed it back in Manitoba.  This was the picture I took at sunset here in Mexico and yes, Venus was quite visible.

After a bite of supper, I headed down for a little visit with Kenia.  She was not very busy tonight so I actually got to chat with her.  We have not had a lot of time to chat this year because she has a busy little life going on.  She had a little story to tell me tonight.  Sometime today someone reached through the opening in the top of her Cafecito and stole 6 boxes of Oreo cookies.  She was quite disappointed with this but had a couple boxes left to carry on.  She was busy setting up for the evening and lo and behold, she found a 500 peso bill on the ground!!  Maybe it was dropped by the thieves!!!  Karma is a b****. lol

I sat and admired her poinsettia's while I was waiting form my bionico.  She has such a pretty little Cafecito.

Bionico's are all sorts of fruit in a creamy sauce.  Really good.

At about 9:30 I headed for home and made myself a cup of tea while working on this blog.  My eyes just about didn't make it.  Good Nite!!

Movie Night

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Weather Today: Partly sunny. 27 / 19 °C

I have had some requests for showing the weather here on a daily basis.  I will start doing that and please know that I am not throwing it in everyone's face, but rather to inform.  The Puerto Vallarta area is known as one of the most constant weather areas in North America.  There is very little cloud in the winter and the temperature remains in the high 20's C.  The rainy season is in the summer months although we have had a little rain here this year.  We have always said that we are chasing 24C and this place pretty much fits that criteria.  Oct/Nov is quite hot and humid with temps 27-30C.  Then again in March it gets hot again but the humidity is lower.  Right now we are in the lowest temperatures of the year so I actually have to wear a T shirt in the morning.

Max and his parents have been away to Tequila for a bit of a holiday from their vacation.  This morning we heard "Susan!!" and Max appeared in RRV.  He had a good time I guess but was glad to get back and find all his toys.  We had a few around our house!

Jeff came over and showed me a nice mug he got there.

So we have been having trouble with the town water keeping up to our demands.  For the last while, we were not topping up the pool so we had enough water for everyone to shower etc.  

Today we bit the bullet and ordered a truck load of water.  He hauls 10000 liters and we needed about 6000 of that for the pool.  That will catch us up for a month or so.

Something else I noticed today was how low the tide was.  Tides just blow my mind.  Today the water is about 12 feet below our fence line and yet yesterday morning the water from the waves was lapping right up against our fence.  The ocean is an amazing thing.

lots of beach today

that's RRV up there

Today was movie day so Sue got out her new projector and we hung up the movie screen.  Kirley got the popcorn maker out and made a batch of popcorn for everyone.  We watched a few kids cartoons for Max's benefit before he had to go to bed.  Then for the movie, we watched "We're the Millers".  The movie is quite funny but has a lot of off colour humor.  It was good for a laugh.

I had a tough time staying awake and had to refill my tea cup a couple times.  I did make it in the end but was quick to go to bed when it was over.  Good Nite!!

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

A Nice Easy New Years Day

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

We slept in till 10 this morning after a late evening last night.  We don't have much to do today so no one got in a hurry.  A few of us got busy and built a dog fence for Jen and Ed in their back yard.  This will allow their dogs to roam free whenever they want.  That was about all we did today!!

In the afternoon we had a game of pool volleyball.  We got some new players today so it was a lot of fun.  We didn't really do anything else today so I will say Good Nite!!