Friday, 31 January 2025

An Odd Job Day

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Jen is getting some work done in the back suite.  She is making a bigger bathroom and kitchen area.  The suite is a cute outdoorsy area.  It is always interesting to watch the Mexicans do concrete work because they are skilled at it.  They start with  really a really rough looking job and turn it into a pleasing finished product.  I'm excited to see this one.

The ocean was quite big this morning with huge waves breaking up near the fence.  I love to sit and watch its power and beauty as the whitewater covers the beach.

to bad the fence is in the way

I did a little more diagnostic work on the ebike today.  I did find a broken brake sensor but was assured by lectric that that would not prevent it from starting.  I did check the battery as well and it checked out.

correct voltage

broken sensor

After supper I headed downtown to see Kenia.  I have not been there for a couple nights so I wanted to check it out.  She was a little concerned because the new government is demanding all vendors to move their carts off the street from 1 am to 5 pm.  Her cart has some flat tires and she doesn't have a hitch to move it on such short notice so she is concerned what they will do about it.  They have tried this in years gone past, and the whole thing just kinda blew over.  We will see what happens now.

On the way home I stopped to check on the Purple Martins.  Where there had been thousands in previous years, there were only a couple clusters of maybe 100 tonight.  I'm not sure why there are less here this year.  Maybe they knew it was going to be cool.

I got heck the other day for not posting my traditional sunset picture so I will try to do it more from now on.  I think it is kinda boring after a while, but I was told that they missed it.  Just for you Wanda!!

Thursday, 30 January 2025

A Nice Walk and Friends Drop By

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Morning coffee under the palapa was interesting because the surf is really high and the waves are quite big.  This makes for a lot of noise and whitewater foam.  It always makes me think of our friend Suzanne who says "Where does the white go"?  Max and Archie had a stare down for some reason this morning.

Archie and I went for a little walk down to the new construction site.  They seem to be making some good progress this week.  They are boring holes down about 50 feet and filling it full of rebar and cement.  I like to check out the site each day for something to do.

I went for a nice long walk today which took me down the Malecon all the way to the south end of La Penita and then back through the market.  I just felt like walking so that's what I did.  Almost 10000 steps in total so I was happy with that.

On the way through the market, the smells got to me and I had to stop for a birria taco.  That will make for lunch I guess.  

Back home and everyone was doing some painting.  They all bought plaster statues downtown and were painting them.  Everyone was having a great time and we will see who comes up with the best one.

While they were all painting our friends Normand and Suzanne dropped by with their friends for a little visit.  Gosh we do miss having them around.  They promised to come back when they have time to play Skipbo with us.

I saw something that made me look twice when I took Archie for his afternoon walk.  By gosh I think it is Bob Ross coming down the beach!!  "Lets put a little tree here"! lol

Tonight there was a little overtime going on in Max's construction site.  He put a solar light beside his work site and it lit up the truck he was using.  Lets let them work the night away.  Good Nite!!

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Liver at Petra's

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Sometimes in the morning I stop by Ron and Lillies and sit down at her puzzle.  She doesn't seem to mind sharing her puzzles with anyone and it is a nice time just to visit while searching for pieces.  Puzzles are not something I would normally do by myself but I enjoy spending a half hour or so just doing a mindless activity and talking. 

There was no dinner plan for me so I asked if Jeff might like to try liver at Petra's today.  We went there a week or so ago and she was out.  He jumped at the chance and we headed over there for lunch.  It was delicious and lots of liver with some sauerkraut and potatoes.   I would go back there for sure.

The girls took a swim in the pool today.  They said it was cool getting in but felt good after a bit.  The temp is still only about 77F.  Brrrrr.

A good game of 65 in the late afternoon to wrap up a great day.  Good Nite!!|

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

A Look at the Construction Site

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

The new construction site around the corner from us is coming along quite well.  They are pouring the massive pilings that the building will sit on right now.  Rather than the traditional Mexican 5 gallon bucket brigade, they are using concrete trucks and pumper trucks.

The place will be pretty nice when they get it done.  Traditionally, this would be a 3 or 4 year project, but I'm betting it will be ready this time next year.  We will see.  I will provide periodic updates.  Every unit faces the ocean which is only 2 or 300 yards away.  

Sue got her paints out today and gave Max a Batman mask.  He loved it!

And Jen came by to borrow my drill screwdriver.  She has a project going on that she needed it for.  I asked her if she could use that thing and she said something like "HOLD MY BEER"!

We witnessed a very pretty sunset tonight.  The camera just doesn't do it justice.  Good Nite!

Monday, 27 January 2025

Gate Fix

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

With the temperatures being cooler, we have not been using the pool in the last few weeks.  Now the temperatures are heading back up so it was time to give the pool a vacuum.  I got that done this morning before anything began to happen.  

A little later Wanda, Irwin, Susan and John came over for a nice visit.  We sat and watched the ocean for a couple hours and chatted about lots of good things.  The girls wanted to check for sea glass so they did that for a while.

Irwin showed up to supervise

About 10 am this guy showed up to start work on the back gate.  The old one is ready to fall off from being rusted out so they are going to install a new one.  He stood and looked and looked and then would wiggle something and then look and look some more.  He finally got out a grinder and cut a couple hinges and the door came off.  Then a couple more cuts and the fence came down.  A couple pieces of wire to hold the new fence up until the welder arrived at about 4 pm.  He did about 1 hour actual work in the 6 hours he was there by himself.  Most time he was on his phone.

The welder dude showed up with the new gate at about 4 pm.  He hooked up his welder using a skinny little extension cord and went to work.  

The other guy stood and held some things but mostly watched videos on his phone.  I noticed that the gate was crooked but surmised that it was just loosely tacked together and he would square it with the wire.  Nope!! 

When I went back he had welded the wire on all crooked and the gate was still all screwgee!  I told him in my best finger pointing Spanish that this was no good.  

He was not very happy but we made him take it all apart and redo it.  He was here till about 7:30 fixing it and then it was not a great job.   Oh well it will last a year or so.  At least its straighter.

The ocean was very calm this evening.  It makes for a nice peaceful evening.   Good Nite!!

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Birria and a Walk

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Its Sunday again so off to birria we went.  We look forward to having this tasty food every Sunday morning.  Abuela and her crew do a great job making our hungry tummies feel better.  We always walk and part of the walk is through the empty lot where the circus used to be.  It has moved on to greener pastures I think.

I changed it up today and had birria with cheese on a tortilla then grilled in the beef broth.  We found some really hot salsa on the table so that warmed them up a bit.  Added some frijoles to it and it made a great meal for breakfast.

After that great meal we decided to take a walk to look at a house that Fany and Jeff looked at the other day.  Jeff said that it was just over here, but after walking for 20 minutes almost all uphill, we crested a hill and saw the house in the distance.  Like 1/2 mile down through the valley and up over another hill.  Not!!!  This old body would just not do it, so we made a sharp right turn and headed for home.  We will see the house another day.

Its way up on the far hill!!

Its nice how they like to paint everything down here.  These stairs were all brightly painted. 

Along the way down we spotted an iguana laying in the sun on a concrete wall.  He was just enjoying his day.

Later Archie and I had a nice afternoon stroll on the beach.  He smells so many good things as he meanders along.

The ocean has pushed up a lot of rocks overnight so the sea glass pickers had a hay day today.  I am always amazed by the power of the sea.

I know we had a good feed of birria this morning but that was a long time ago so I cooked up a batch of bacon and eggs for supper.  I think everyone enjoys them in the evening once in a while.

Then a trip downtown to see what was going on.  Nothing!!  Kenia was busy making some healthy waffles for someone.  Lots of granola and stuff with some chocolate on top.  Not my cup of tea. 

before she cooked it.
Speaking of cup of tea, it was time to make one and sit at the palapa and watch the sun go down again.  I estimate I have witnessed in excess of 500 sunsets here in Mexico.  I hope to see another 500 or more in coming months and years.  Good Nite!!