Wednesday, 15 January 2025

A Pooper Scooper in Training

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

I love it in the morning as I sit outside and drink my coffee, I hear a little guy running across the yard with the pooper scooper in his hands calling "Loren.....Its time to pick up the poo!!!"   Max is only 4 years old, but sometimes he is so much more mature.  He follows me around asking lots of questions and comes up with the wildest analogies.  So off we went to pick up dog poop!!

We stopped by the pool to scoop out the junk that fell in the pool overnight from the palm trees overhead.  I did a chemical check and everything was in balance.  The water is sparkling clear but it is only about 74F.  This cool weather has made the water temperature drop over the last few days.  Not a lot of pool volleyball being played these days.

This morning we had a date with Kenia to have breakfast at the hotel Allure.  It was nice to have Josie join us as well.  We have never been inside so it was nice to see it.  I had a nice breakfast burrito which was just right.  The hotel is quite pretty with an infinity pool and a big mural painted on the wall.  The price for breakfast was right.  Actually Kenia paid!!!  I always appreciate when my kids offer to buy.  It makes a dad feel good that maybe he helped teach them right.  

On our walk home I noticed this old pay phone on a post.  Obviously it doesn't work but I was reminded of the days when you could make collect calls home.  It seems like that was lifetimes ago.

When we got home I had to pull out the voltage regulator.  Lately the power has been fluctuating lots here, and when it does, my Electrical Management System shuts down our power.  The annoying thing about that is that every time it does that in the middle of the night, our bedroom fan shuts off and because it is digital it won't turn back on.  That means climbing out of bed each time to turn it back on.  So I took it apart and bingo!!! A wire off.  So I put it back on and plugged it in and now it works like brand new.  Maybe I will get a whole nights sleep!!

We had a little get together at the palapa and tried to solve the problems of the world.  By gum, I think we did it!!!

And as usual the sun went down.  Good Nite!!!

Today's weather

Partly sunny. 25 / 18 °C
Humidity: 75%. Wind: 5 mph  from Southwest

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